hw #2 ARTH1100

Stefania Koziolek

hw # 2





Terri Guillemets said “Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with”. I can absolutely agree with it. Nowadays coffee is one of the most popular drink.Most people enjoy caffeine because of its effects on the brain. It increases dopamine in the brain; it makes us feel good .Throughout the Civil War, coffee was as prevalent on the battlefields
as it is in offices today.Coffee was also an essential part of a Civil War soldier’s routine.
Beyond caffeine cravings, Union troops loved their coffee because it was, literally, the best thing on the menu.I was suprised that soldiers during the Civil War were drinking that much coffee . It’s incredible that ,they made their coffee everywhere, and with everything.
” Coffee was often the last comfort troops enjoyed before entering battle, and the first sign of safety for those who survived”. I understand it ,because I love coffee .I can give up a lot but never coffee . It gives me a lot energy and I just feel better.

Ahmet D. Civil War


I think coffee was a necessary drink to keep the soldiers aware and heated also a big psychological boost for them. I think it was a great way to motivate the soldiers, I believe coffee was the only thing that reminds the home town to the soldiers and coffee was the best thing on the menu. It is very expensive and very hard to feed an army. They have to use very simple food and must be easy to cook and carry it one place to another. Also food has to stay good for a long time. You do not want to poison your soldiers by mistake during the war. The most fascinating thing about the Civil War is that they learnt very quickly how to manage their food and how to cook it.

The food that I cannot live without is the NUTELLA. I love it.  nutella_00028

HW 2: Food and Coffee in Civil War

It is fascinating how a caffeine addiction remained as one of the things that have been adapted from the times of the Civil War. Coffee was prevalent on the battle fields as it is in offices and schools nowadays. Without a doubt, coffee played an important role keeping soldiers awake and warm. Besides caffeine cravings, to get through the day, soldiers consumed a lot of coffee because it was the best thing out of everything they had. Typically, their meals consisted of salted meat, unleavened bread called “hardtack” and a little salt and sugar. One of the most imporant factors was also that coffee beans lasted for long and didn’t need any particular kind of preservation which enabled soldiers to carry it around. I personally am dependent on coffee. I love espresso drinks, essentially iced. It does not give me that much of an energy as it used to before, but it is definitely something I need to have everyday.