Tiffany Alphonso: Food Photography

Firstly, I would like to mention that food is life. Food is a language used to unite  different cultures and for recreational purposes. Most people choose  to enjoy the company of friends and family or celebrate special occasions by dining out, so what better way to share your experiences than a photographic memory . I think taking pictures of food creates an illusion that one is having or has a spectacular life. Also it gives the audience of people looking at your photos an intimate feel of who you are. Taking pictures of foods and events are usually done so that one can look back and appreciate good times and also to cherish fulfilling moments. Photographs of food is also a great way to advertise the skill and creativity of the person that prepared and cooked it. Nowadays, people seem to be intrigued by the idea of trying new food trends and exotic foods, so snapping a picture to share will always be helpful to the viewers .

Baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, garlic shrimp and fresh salad ... Made at home 😊

Baked potatoes, steamed vegetables, garlic shrimp and fresh salad … Made at home 😊


Homework 1: Why Food Photography

Taking pictures of food has become a big part of the photography field. Nowadays, people take pictures of their meals to express creativity and showcase their personal vision of the subject. Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin’s statement “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are” clearly reflects that different people from different cultures see and eat food differently. Food photography is significant in sharing and introducing people to new venues and cuisines. It reveals to what, when and how we eat. By photographing food with our cameras we represent our traditions and customs to other countries around the globe. It is also a great way to introduce your family and friends to places around. In fact, we all go online to check out all different places before we go out to eat. We like to see the restaurant’s dishes, interior and decor through other people’s photos first. Food photography also plays a huge role in advertising for the restaurants. It is all about the first impression that a customer gets and having good pictures can make a big difference for IMG_7381the business. The phrase, “People eat with their eyes”, is very relevant. Most people like to see the photograph of the dish before they order so they know exactly what they are getting, and for those from different culture who are not familiar with the cuisine it is even more important. I take pictures of food myself. I personally enjoy the art of food photography because I truly believe that it is a powerful language that speaks to people’s taste receptors and emotions.  It allows me to tell my story and show others my own view on food culture.IMG_9091IMG_8268