Week 10, Robert Capa and the Greatest War Photograph

Capa’s work look a little bit stage but in my opinion I think they are not, he work hard to show the people the struggle of the Spanish war and what the soldier when through. his arguments were convincing to me; photographers need to have authenticity in their work so people can trust their picture. also authenticity matter in all professional work not only in photographs.

week 6, breakfast around the world


I think that all the kids that were on the article eat more healthy than an american kid. american breakfast are too sugary in my opinion, kids need vitamins,minerals and proteins that you cannot find it donuts or muffin, i also think that kids can learn more or less in school depending in what are they eating at home. a good breakfast to me should include fruits and milk, does are really good and rich in vitamins.

why does it look delish?

I think this tres leches look delish because of its shiny color and because the tres leches cake melts in my mouth as I try it, sticky with fudge frosting on my tongue. The bitter and simultaneously sweet smell of it puts me in a serene mind state. With the rich deep shades of the frosting on top of delicious layers of condensed milk. this cake acts as a slice of happiness on a white styrofoam plate. the beautiful frosting tastes as great as it looks.

why does it look delish?

tres leches

I think this tres leches look delish because of its shiny color and because the tres leches cake melts in my mouth as I try it, sticky with fudge frosting on my tongue. The bitter and simultaneously sweet smell of it puts me in a serene mind state. With the rich deep shades of the frosting on top of delicious layers of condensed milk. this cake acts as a slice of happiness on a white styrofoam plate. the beautiful frosting tastes as great as it looks.


To be honest i think is the kind of art that not everyone can understand, i think the person who is appreciating the picture need to be passing through the lost of someone in their family or has passed through a similar situation in the past. Then the person can feel a connection with their love one that had pass away. In my opinion I don’t think this documentary photography is valuable, and to me is almost impossible that she is experiencing this spirituals situations. Like the one with the man with the growing hands, i have to be there to believe it.




In this particular picture I can feel freshness because of the yellow color, it looks really strong and pure. Also I can see it’s very juice and sweet in the middle, the orange skin looks spongy  and I think fruits in general have all these characteristics most of the time and this oranges are not the exception.

Food or coffee?

Food or coffee? I don’t need to think about it, I choose food, why? Because food is everything to me I can live without coffee,  but I can die without food. Also soldiers didn’t have that much choices available, they didn’t know how to cook plus the hardtack does not look to good, and I don’t think it taste good. A lot of people think that coffee give you energy, but a good breakfast work better for me. Also I think not every body system works the same, some times when I drink coffee in the morning to stay up I still feel sleepy no matter how much coffee I drink. One more think that makes me choose food over coffee is the many options and taste that food offer, coffee no matter what you put on it or how you drink it, it will always be coffee, it will always taste like coffee. https://www.google.com/search?q=lasagna&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=okEgVMX6G4_lsATErYL4Dg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ#facrc=_&imgrc=SUyqBYlaurzRrM%253A%3BKDUIWRbfzQX6tM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fcdn-media-1.lifehack.org%252Fwp-content%252Ffiles%252F2014%252F03%252Flasagna.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.lifehack.org%252Farticles%252Flifestyle%252F15-mind-blowingly-delicious-lasagna-recipes-you-cant-miss.html%3B3000%3B3000

Taking pictures of food

Taking pictures of food is just so common now in days I think food can be creative and beautiful, a different way to express our self sometimes but, I’m not the type of person that will let my food cold down just because I’m taking pictures of it. Food is art at certain point, but i prefer to take pictures of backgrounds, every time i visit a new place i will full my phone of all i see, but food. I won’t lie I may took two or four pictures of desserts on birthdays in the past as memories of whatever happen that day or if it was a special day to me, but pictures of food is not something I’m crazy about.

Taking pictures of food

Taking pictures of food is just so common now in days I think food can be creative and beautiful, a different way to express our self sometimes but, I’m not the type of person that will let my food cold down just because I’m taking pictures of it. Food is art at certain point, but i prefer to take pictures of backgrounds, every time i visit a new place i will full my phone of all i see, but food. I won’t lie I may took two or four pictures of desserts on birthdays in the past as memories of whatever happen that day or if it was a special day to me, but pictures of food is not something I’m crazy about.