Category Archives: Learning Log 2-Lighting Direction

Texture & Soft Lighting







I really like the texture and soft lighting on this sunflower.  I like the way the petals appear to be in motion.

The most significant thing that I learned in the lighting class is that only the background has to be illuminated for back-light photos.  I had always thought that the light had to be directly coming at the subject from behind and directly aimed at the camera.  I never knew that you could only illuminate the background to get silhouetted shots.

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Sunflower Shoot – Kassandra Urena

This was one of my favorite pictures from the sunflower shoot because of the use of radical cropping. Also, the lighting emphasized the texture of the petals.

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Learning Log 2- Successful Picture


The successful picture is a leaf that is part of a sunflower is the leaf. This leaf is emphasized by its texture, the background is out of focus which makes it unimportant thus the leaf is the purpose of the photograph and this picture is very positive which takes up the whole scene.

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Filed under Learning Log 2-Lighting Direction, Learning Logs


This is my best picture because it is an amazing silhouette photo. This photo was taken with backlight on a white background. You can briefly see some greens and yellows in this photo.

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Learning Log 2

I like this picture the most because it is extremely focus and it very bright like a happy color.  The black background makes the color pop more. The lighting on the petals makes it look more alive.

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Lighting Direction – Sean Nurse

This picture is my favorite because it really conveys emotion.  I call it the married couple because it looks like the two flowers are together and upright and there is a third flower that is sad and drooping.  I think the shadow also helps to highlight the emotion.

sunflowers backlight

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SunFlower Lighting Photo.

 I like a lot how the flower looks like here. The lighting gives it some drama, nostalgic feeling.

The texture its real neat on the petals and the center of it.

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Learning Log 2: Sunflower

 I feel that this is the strongest picture that i have taken due to the different qualities that this picture has. The way the light reflects off of the flower pedals. and the way you can see the textures on the sunflower. Also with the flower being centered the negative space around the flower makes the flower alot more powerful

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Learning Log 2: Sunflower Party


This photo is great. I really love minimal pictures, especially when the subject stands out.
The vibrant flower against a gray background just works great, the lighting is totally focused on the flower and the
dramatic shading just makes it pop even more. I love the yellows in this image, they aren’t blinding but rather the perfect kind of yellow.

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This picture was actually an accident. If I remember correctly I took this picture when we were moving the light around. This is actually side light. I love how there is a ray of light in the shot and its just so pretty.

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