Author Archives: Ruvin Y.

Learning Log 7 – Ruvin Yusupov

This is one of my groups better photos because the subject is well lit and the effect caused by the light gives him wings.

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Filed under Learning Log 7-Painting with Light

Greenwood Cemetery

When we were in the Brooklyn Historical Society Building, my group and I had gotten to learn the rules and regulations from when Greenwood first opened to the rules and regulations now. The rules are pretty much the same with changes coming due to our technological advancements. I also had gotten glimpses of the maps that have not changed since the initial opening of the cemetery.

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Portrait basics

1. What are important factors to consider when shooting a portrait?

Important factors while shooting a portrait photo is the lighting and the angles of the person.

2. What is the difference between broad and short lighting?

Broad lighting is when the model is facing the opposite way of the lighting, while short lighting faces the lighting.

3. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the main light?

The main light adds light to the photo.

4. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of  the fill light?

The fill light is too add light to the other side of the photo while using the main light.

5. In a classic basic portrait set up, what is the function of the background light?

The background light adds depth to the photo and it separates the person form the background.

This my best picture because it has a great backlight which adds the sense of depth and the main and fill lights brighten up the photo from the front, while it still adds depth and clarity.


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This is my best picture because it is an amazing silhouette photo. This photo was taken with backlight on a white background. You can briefly see some greens and yellows in this photo.

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Filed under Learning Log 2-Lighting Direction, Learning Logs

Ruvin Yusupov Homework #1

Jeff Chien-Hsing Liao
Flat Iron Building, 2011

What type of photograph is it?


This photograph is an artistic photograph, because it clearly shows the people around NYC’s Iron Fold Building.


What can you tell (or guess) about the photographer’s intention?


I guess that the photo shows that the people of New York make the city so great not the buildings that can be found there.


What emphasis has the photographer created and how has that been done?


The photographer creates emphasis on the people by using selective focus on them.


Do technical matters help or hinder the image?


Technical matters help the photo because the photo is of everything not anything specific amongst the crowd that is there.


Are graphic elements important, such as tone, line, or perspective?


Yes they are important; the first thing I saw was the perspective that is made from the Iron Fold building.


What else does the photographer reveal besides what is immediately evident?


He reveals the cultural diversity of New York City.


What emotional or physical impact does the photograph have?


This photo makes your eyes widen with the deep perspective and then it brings you back with selective focus on the people.


How does this photograph relate to others made by the same photographer, in the same period, or of the same subject matter?


This photographer takes photos of New York’s greatest views from all over and this is another that captures the Flat Iron Building.

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