Unit 2, Day 1: Mon. March 14th

Homework Due Wed. March 16th. 

  1. Choose a Topic for Project 2. Tell us your topic below!
  2. Write a brief free write on your topic! DO NOT research the topic, just write what comes to mind. what do you know about the topic? What would you like to learn about the topic? What interested you about the topic?


  1. Tehmina Imanat

    My topic is How the pandemic had impacted the mental health of young teenagers.
    I chose this topic because it felt relatable and I knew I coukd relate to it which will make my writng strong and well developed. Staying indoors all the time had caused many teenagers to think and learn things about themselves they have not before which might cause some negative thoughts. Staying indoors while everthing was closed was something new for teens they had never experienced before and it took a toll on many people I know personally. I am intersted in looking up the actual statistics about this topic.

  2. Mushfiq Alam

    My topic is concentration, how it affects performance, and what are methods used to find focus.I had chosen this as my topic as it’s something that not only me, but others can relate to as well. Not everyone is able to focus in the same manner and it may be harder for some to even reach a point of concentration. Whether it be because of the distractions around them or their general attention span not being much present it’s an occurrence that goes on worldwide. As for what I’m curious about, I’d like to know what people do to focus. Is there a method, an item, or perhaps they have some kind of underlying factor that just magically helps them focus. Above all, I’m interested in this topic as it’s an issue I face on a daily basis. Concentrating on something generally takes me some time to adjust to. Even while writing this I often paused just to look around my room and stare at the ceiling forgetting that I had to even do this assignment.

  3. Rickey Bryant

    My topic is gun violence.What i know about gun violence is that it’s a deadline weapon that people are trying to stop the violence many people are dying in America because people are getting shot.What I also think comes to mind is that I remember myself being apart of gun violence community we will have on shirts that say help stop violence it’s not good to kill people.What I like to learn from this topic is that how can help we stop the violence from killing people.What interested me in liking this topic is it came to mind because I love this community I want to also stop gun violence because there is a lot of people are dying because of it and we are trying stop the killing.i also remembering me being apart of the marching on the street screaming stop the violence it great to help everyone for our community to keep everyone alive and safe because we want to stop the violence as a team together.

  4. Rickey Bryant

    My topic is gun violence.What i know about gun violence is that it’s a deadline weapon that people are trying to stop the violence many people are dying in America because people are getting shot.What I also think comes to mind is that I remember myself being apart of gun violence community we will have on shirts that say help stop violence it’s not good to kill people.What I like to learn from this topic is that how can help we stop the violence from killing people.What interested me in liking this topic is it came to mind because I love this community I want to also stop gun violence because there is a lot of people are dying because of it and we are trying stop the killing.i also remembering me being apart of the marching on the street screaming stop the violence it great to help everyone for our community to keep everyone alive and safe because we want to stop the violence as a team together.

  5. Abdul Ikhlaq

    A topic I would like to research about and write about is procrastination. We are young students and everyone could relate to how we have delayed an assignment, chore or any task. For me would be this homework assignment. Procrastination or to procrastinate is to delay or push back a certain task. It could be a big or small task. I look at procrastination as a mental problem for students because its all starts in the head. To delay an assignment or task can be the cause of anything whether its fear of being perfect first try, getting settled to start, distractions, etc. I would like to learn more deeply about why people procrastinate and what causes it. I chose this because I know many students, teenagers and adults can relate.

  6. Christopher

    The subject I’ll be discussing is gang violence. I chose this issue because gang actions occur on a regular basis, and young adults die as a result of gang violence. Not only are young adults dying, but children are also being exposed to gang violence in the streets or on social media. I’d like to discuss how we can reduce gang violence as a community and what the mayor should focus on in order to do so.

  7. Steven Galushka

    My topic I choose was bicycle safety laws, Ironically I choose this topic because of a driver running my bike over because of using a bike lane, running a red using a bike lane may have cost me my life if I hadn’t sacrificed my bike. This essay is close to home when it comes the reason I choose this topic. I want to learn the reasons and side effects of poorly written laws and regulations as well as show what the side effects are because of them.

  8. Christopher Lopez

    My topic is Mixed Martial Arts or “MMA”for short. I choose MMA because it’s something that I enjoy watching and is considering doing in the future. It’s a violent sport but It’s something that I find enjoyable. I would like to learn how many fighters actually become professionals. What interested me in this topic is the fact that bringing every legal form of martial arts in one fight is really entertaining and a great way to see who is the best fighter in the world.

  9. Camila Torres

    The topic that I chose was child abuse and the effects of psychological trauma.
    I chose this topic because I find it interesting going into depth of the psychological path of the abuse. I personally find the topic psychology interesting in general but going into detail and researching child trauma after abuse can be interesting to do research on. This can be informative for those who have young family members in their lives. Searching on why a child acts a certain way in the future or what trauma stuck with them after certain events is something im curious about.

  10. Diana

    My topic is the psychology of abortions. I choose this topic because I think this topic is very interesting. When talking to anyone about abortions they have to very different opinions and they mostly come from an emotional standpoint. I think looking at the psychological standpoint would be interesting and bring a new light to a topic that can be seen as taboo. It is also interesting that not many people talk about this.

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