It was the summer of June and the kids of the school had began the summer vacation. The town came together for their annual lottery, since they only three hundred of them the town lottery was small and fast.  The students gathered around the square with some of the boys pockets filled with stones. After the men went and the women followed suite. The lottery was lead by Mr. Summer a single town man who ran his own coal business.  Mr. Summer carried the black box without put its original paraphernalia which was lost years ago. Mr.  summer often spoke about creating a new box since the current was old and but no one wanted to upset a town tradition .  Tessie  Hutchinson joins the crowd, but had forgot today was the lottery. Mr.  Summers began to call the names and they all began to open the paper.  Bill Hutchinson had got it but Tessie Hutchinson pointed out that bill didn’t have enough time. Mr. Graves dumbs the paper out and puts five for in for Hutchinson family.  Mr. Hutchinson called there names and each person picks a paper.  Tessie picks the paper with the black dot on in it.  Mr. Summers instructs the people to throw stores at Tessie  .