It’s been five days since my first college class. The night before my first class I was extremely excited that I was actually going into college,  a wave of excitement flooded over me.  It felt like that feeling of opening a fresh new pair of sneakers. Although my classes were going to be through a 13 inch laptop I was still exuberant.  My first class was ECON 1101. The professor was extremely nice and explained the syllabus precisely and comprehendible, it  gave me confidence that each class would be the same. The next class was ENG (1101) but I was unable to attend because of technical issues (the link did not work ). The next day I had my first morning class with the math professor, she explained the syllabus and talked about the things required for her class. The next day my I had a math again this time we went through any new questions about the syllabus and walked us through solving  some problems  relating to homework she was going to assign. Later that day I had me second class which was  ARTH (1100-0L05) the professor talked the syllabus and additional things we needed for his class.  Today I had my a ECON class in the afternoon were the professor talked about the fundamentals of economics and also outlined our assignment. Currently I am in my English class  writing about my college experience so far.  All I all my college experience has been good, the teachers seem like they generally care about the students and are willing to make small adjustment due to things being new for everyone.