The end is near.
It is so crazy to me how quickly time is going. After Thanksgiving, I’ve been feeling like time is literally running by. It is so crazy to me. I am beyond excited to graduate. But, there certainly are things that make me nervous. To the point of me asking myself, “Will I be able to graduate?” There is SO much work in the last semester.
I hate posting on OpenLab so much…. just saying. The pictures never go where I want them to go. Anyway, this is my final business card model. I have a lot of my work to show during the class presentation but I am so excited for the business cards. But specifically the logo. It took me some time to think of what to make. I have social media post, the logo, business card and I’ve learned so much about office culture. I am more than able to handle administrative task. It overall was a great experience and I appreciate my supervisor. I did my work of course, but he wasn’t down my throat. We had weekly meetings, which I preferred. I attended my internship EVERY Tuesday and Thursday. Whenever a school day was canceled I just went straight to my internship. I ended up doing 188 hours worth of my internship.
While I did enjoy my internship, I would NEVER EVER want to be stuck in a real estate office. It just isn’t for me. I went in with a positive mind set, had a bit of fun and got my work done. My work kept me excited. What I was creating kept my motivated. Overall, I definitely learned. I enjoyed my internship and all that came with it. This makes me more excited to enter a office setting. Not necessarily a real estate one.
Creating, Posting, Keeping busy.
Just keeping busy honestly. KW usually has something going on. Inside the office is usually pretty boring, but events are always fun. They hold education events, whether it be making money, or making sales. An example of how they are held is below. I am always there to help set up. We serve drinks and some cookies, and the seats are set up accordingly. Also I put down an example of a informative post I’ve made.
At this point, I feel very comfortable in the company. It is very relaxed and I still get my work done. I actually think I will miss it. Lol. I am still excited to graduate more though.
Thanksgiving Feeding the Less Fortunate
This is a late post. One of the events took place Wednesday, November 23rd. Keller Williams does a lot of events. Not only in one of their city locations, but as a company as a whole. Today, we took part in delivering meals to the less fortunate. We also, served food at a local community center. It was such a nice experience. I regret not doing so before. I woke up early and met with the team to deliver the individual meals. We drove around many parts of New York. A majority in Queens. It was members of the office and their family members that helped. I took role of taking pictures for the companies Facebook. By the time everyone was coming in for the food, it got so busy.
It was wonderful. & a bit exhausting. It was a huge team effort. There were adults and children stuffing their faces. The next day when I was sitting at the Thanksgiving dinner table, I was thinking of the people I saw there. I couldn’t help but be more grateful than ever for my family, the dinner and the fact that I was surrounded by people whom loved me.
Evernote App Review
I had never heard of Evernote before this assignment. This is so surprising considering that this would be the PERFECT app for someone like me. I live on writing list and taking notes of things that I am thinking about. Evernote is a free app that is meant for taking notes, setting reminders and overall writing what is on your mind. It can be done through multiple ways. You can record a voice memo as a note, type out, take photos or videos on the spot, create notebooks and many other ways.
You can either have a free Basic account, a Plus account, or a Premium account. In a basic account, you can sync up to 2 devices. have 60MB of uploads per month and you can find text in images. In the Plus account, you stay in sync on all your devices, 1GB uploads per month, and can find text in images and PDF’s. It cost $3.99/month or $34.00/year. In the Premium account, all your devices stay in sync, 10GB uploads per month (woah), and a “deeper” search. $7.99/month or $69.99/year.
What I like the most about the app are the notebooks. It is a great way to organize ones thoughts/to do list/ ideas. Similar apps do not have the organization that this app does. There are so many ways to put your thoughts into this app. While I definitely think it is a great app, I will more than likely not use it. I always thought that writing things physically down has always been the key for me. But, it is definitely something I would recommend for anyone who is similar to me.
Science isn’t my thing.
So, I am the genius who decided to take my last 3 senior classes and Bio 2 at the same time. Yes, it is as bad as it sounds. Easily, might be my most stressful class at the moment. I feel kind of bad that a lot of my journals are of me venting, but it’s what’s on my mind.
Back to my internship I have done a TON of administrative work. It is great experience. Especially since the beginning position in the company I hope to go into requires administrative experience. I grab coffee for everyone, I file, I make very simple documents, I also have done some reception work. It is also great because I am learning a lot about office environments and how people work together. As expected, not everyone will like each other. Many will bump heads.
These are my sketches for the logo I’ve been trying to make for the company. It is so weird. I have never had trouble making logos. But, this one definitely was hard for me. I must of done 5 of these logo sheets. Usually, I can picture a logo in my head right away. But I am really liking the lower logo on the second page. I think Michael was liking it too. Next, business cards. I have to make a holiday Facebook post, eventually.
Dayna Edit Stress Rios
Is what my name should be at this point. This is all I do. I edit and I feel stressed out 95% of the time. If I could go back in time I definitely would of broken up my classes more. The ONE class I am very up up to date with is Senior Project. Which I am SO SO SO relieved about. Of course, I take each of my senior classes seriously. Very seriously. I only say that because I was fairly share I would be behind on the work for that class by now. But, I happily am not behind. I am actually on point. I deserve something great after surviving this semester. I don’t know what yet. A trip to Paris sounds superb right now.
I want to ask my SEEK advisor if I could come in and talk to students. Not for anything in exchange, just to give some advice. I really am thinking of asking him. Now that my college career is now ending (OMG IT FEELS SO GOOD TO TYPE THAT), I have so many tips I would like to give to early students.
In terms of my internship, thank goodness it is not stressful. It is a de-stress. I always complain about the office and, how terribly BORING it can be. But, there are times when I come in and the peace is much needed. I think the theme of my presentation is going to be “Multitasking” or “Long Days”. The main reason being because a day for me consist of multiple things. Like yesterday, it was school in the morning, then my internship for a couple of hours then 3 hours of my job. Sometimes my days are just so long. I’m sure many of my fellow classmates feel the same way. Or do the same thing. We’re almost there.
Cooper Hewitt Musuem Visit
On November 2nd, the whole class to a trip to the Cooper Hewitt Museum. Can’t lie, before then I had not visited a museum in a while.
There were some exhibits that really stood out to me. The first one being the “Who can afford to live in NYC?” exhibit. It was positioned on the walls in one of the stairways of the Museum. While there were many beautiful masterpieces in the building, THIS stood out the most to me. As a young adult in NYC, I hope to one day, sooner rather than later, move out on my own. As on the first year of my career. My boyfriend and I have been doing research of different areas in NYC. But, every research session ended in one result: NYC is VERY expensive to live in.
The Instillation was broken down by each borough. The Upper East Side numbers blew my mind. I work in the Upper East Side so I deal with the people who live in that neighborhood often. I couldn’t help but think, “What do these people do for a living to live in the neighborhood?” “Why would you want to pay that much just for housing?” I of course looked at Queens, since that is where I hope to stay for the rest of my life. I am was born and raised in Queens and, I love the borough so much.
The second piece in the museum that caught my attention was the print plate from Loggie di Rafaele nel Vaticano (Raphael’s Loggia in the Vatican). Through the beginnings years of my college career, all my art history classes spoke of prints. Of course when I was studying them, I was tired of hearing of them. But, I found a new appreciation for the art that comes out of the process. I love seeing plate prints more than ever now.
Continuing on with my love for Plate art, the third piece that caught my attention. Livre de bijouterie, Book of Designs for Goldsmiths and Jewelers. These designs remind of goth-ish art inspiration. It automatically caught my attention. Boyvin’s engraved designs for rings and linked chains served as models for jewelers and goldsmiths, who could show them to clients to select styles to be produced. The designs were simply beautiful. Overall, it was a great visit. Also, a great reminder that I need to visit more often.
Grey Advertisement Visit
On November 17th I took a tour of Grey Advertisement Agency with the City Tech Art & Design Club. And wow, what an experience. We met in front of 200 5th Ave. When we got to the 3rd floor, we met Sara. She was a Human Resource staff member that led us to a large meeting room. It was really nice.
There was a huge Samsung TV on the wall, with a long table that must of sat at least 18 people. Sara showed us a couple of videos introducing Grey, the history behind the brand, their most popular companies they work for, programs they run for staff, and some clips of other parts of the building. I had no idea Grey was celebrating 100 years of being a strong force in the industry. Some of the programs she mentioned was Grey University. A FREE 4 hour long session of classes that the employees can take. She had described the class as intensive design classes that someone might of wanted to learn in college but were not able to. I wish they offered it to everyone.
Reception Area/ All the awards
We then met Lucy. Lucy is the head recruiter. Wow, what a chance to meet her. We asked her so many questions. We asked her, “What does she look for in a book? (portfolio)” “What is the strongest piece you’ve seen?” “What do you look for in someone when they apply?” Etc, etc. She answered everything. She expects dedication. When there is a big campaign or project due, she expects everyone to stay and work as hard as possible. She also mentioned that Grey has a “No asshole policy”. Everyone in the office work well together and doesn’t want any echo’s to attitudes around. We all laughed.
Overall, it was a great expierence. It just seems SO surreal. I can’t believe I am about to enter this world. Some of the clients they have include, Covergirl, Febreze, Volvo and Canon. Then, we met Alexa. I would recommend any Advertisement students to attend this tour. I believe they try to do it every year.
Dropbox App Review
Is there really anyone in this world, that doesn’t love Dropbox? Like, seriously? Dropbox is such a beautiful thing created by some magical human being. Maybe a bit dramatic of me to say. I used Dropbox EVERYDAY. It is essential for one of my final classes. Honestly, it is something that I couldn’t imagine going through college without. Ever since one of my USB’s died on me in one of my semesters, I have been a strong believer in backing EVERYTHING up. And, they give you a ton of space for free. Here’s my quick review of the beauty that is, Dropbox.
Speaking of magical human beings, Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi were MIT students who made Dropbox. Of course you could use Dropbox from your computer as well. Dropbox can be used for free for anyone with moderate needs. Anyone really, even college students. So that’s automatic plus! For those to need a bit more, you could pay $8.25 a month for an extra 1TB of space. For Business Teams, up to 5 people can access an account for $12.50 a month.
App Sharing! You can edit your files directly from your phone. Just download the Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat apps to edit and re-upload it to Dropbox. Can’t make it any easier.
Overall, Dropbox is an incredible tool. The app is nothing less. I highly recommend it. Is there any con?