Log #6

It’s only been a day and I already got a response back from the Royale Company.

I’m super excited because I really thought I was going to fail this class. I took the class before and got screwed over with another internship but there’s no point in getting into that.

The cool thing about this internship is that it’s located on Jay Street as well. I can take the F train by City Tech for one spot and I’ll be right in front of the Company.

I did some research on the Company and it turns out that they’re a Building Management Company. A building management company is a company that you would hire to have responsibility over what kind of employees you would get.

For example, let’s say you run a hotel. You already have people at the front desk and cleaners on board, but you need security guards. You would call up a building management company and they would handle the process of hiring security for you.

It saves you the trouble of having to deal with them so that’s a plus.

The only con that I see is that you wouldn’t be able to fire the security guards yourself if they were causing issues. You’d have to contact the management company and they would have to handle the situation so you wouldn’t know how fast the process of firing the guards would take.

Anyway, I have a meeting with the company next week.

When I'm not slaying dragons in space, I'm probably drawing. Either that or being lazy. We'll just go with the first one though.