Blog Entry # 3

It’s week 5 and I’m hype! Why? Because last night, I received another internship opportunity and It’s perfect. It’s for a company in California called Hard Magic Publishing Inc. They’ve been working on a book and recently got into making a video game called “The Sacreds”. They liked my portfolio and they wanted in on their concept art team. As a concept artist, I’ll be thinking of anything I believe would fit the game and just sketch it out. Once I do that, I’ll share it with the team and they’ll tell me if they like it, if I need to tweak it or if it’s something they don’t need in the game. I’m just happy that I was able to get an internship by this week. I’m also looking forward to being able to work with this team.

When I'm not slaying dragons in space, I'm probably drawing. Either that or being lazy. We'll just go with the first one though.