Log #4

Out of all the animation studios I applied to, only has gotten back to me. It was an animation studio called Ace and Son and they work on commercials. A man named Richard O’ Connor got back to me though.

And this is his reply:

email response

For those that don’t feel like clicking on the image to get a bigger view, it says,

Hi Da-Shaun,

Thanks for the note!

Right now I’m all set for artists. We’re not anticipating bringing anyone new in anytime soon.
Keep in touch and keep drawing, I’d be happy to see updates to your work as it progresses.
Richard O’Connor
For me, that’s dope because I’ll be sure to keep in contact with him. I know my portfolio needs alot more work but it feels good knowing that I have a possible network connection if I manage to really update this man on my progress.
I didn’t apply to them all because I randomly started having second thoughts on my Resume.
I’m done applying for internships as a Graphic Designer. That’s not what I am but my resume still makes it seem like that. I want employers to look at my resume and be like “yea, that’s an illustrator/animator right there.”
So what did I do? I changed up my resume of course.
This is how it used to look:
old resume
And this is the change that I made to it:
new resume
I’ve sent an email to the professor asking her for advice on this change.
Now I’m just waiting for her response and then I’m back to applying to all these animation studios with a brand new resume that I think suits me well.

When I'm not slaying dragons in space, I'm probably drawing. Either that or being lazy. We'll just go with the first one though.