Category: Who I Am (assignment) (Page 1 of 2)

Who I am Part 2? And why it matters.

Ok.. So the first part introduced you to the insignificant things. The things I  would share without much significance. Part 2 was always intended, but my greatest concern was perception of the facts I’m about to present. So here we go.

First favorite things vanilla, pistachio, carrots, celery and broccoli. Butttttt pllllleeeaaasseee don’t ruin the carrots. I wi take good carrots in any form. Do, anything to ruin them and take away their essence. Overcook them or candy them to death and blyeercckk..Beaches, Walking, Warm Weather,.. Unless it’s a brutal snowfall in which case snowfortresses. Biking, when My bike actually works. My opinion of gyms is they’re great substitutes for what you can do with a bike and barbells. And if you think that’s dudely then you haven’t met my mother. Who at 70 is taking classes in woodworking, and loving it. Or who literally fixed a washing machine almost by herself last year and I don’t mean a simple fix.


My favorite forms of transportation are on foot or bike. I cannot even stand trains over short distances. I walk to Barclays/Atlantic from here. I’m not that disabled and definitely not in that way. I tend to stand in public transportation because I can and the longer I can keep body afloat the better. So Ill tap my feet holding on to the railing why I listen to Juan Miguan, Two Without Hats, and Laura Brannigan. FYI.. that’s 80s, 90s, and 10s. I listen to anything that’s toosm. You can go ahead and have that ♿ seat on the train.

One I’ve been disabled most of my life and  well drecnched in the vestiges of my disabilities. This includes a mild persistent form of dyslexia, Juvenile onset epilepsy (currently in remission and unmedicated), and mixed mode (meaning from multiple sources) hearing loss. All of these things trace way back in to my childhood. Where I started out my school career in Special Education, HC-30. Which is specifically for  children who suffer from TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury). This includes Epilepsy, Down Syndrome, certain mental illness or psychiatric conditions, and so on

It would also be prudent of me to mention I also suffer from dysthymia. Which is long term persistent depression as opposed to the popular episodic disorder oddly labeled general depression.. Next I’m going to skip around a grave amount of detail in the interest conveying the most in the least amount of time.

The short of it is I have been brutally mistreated at the hands of my able bodied (and able minded) peers. Including gut punching and strangulation. When it came to the point I was transfered, on my first day, the warmest day of 1977, the first day yard time would be permitted (it actually went below 0 the previous week), I was lured to the corner of a school yard by two 14 year old boys and was raped.Needless to say that day ended up feeling like the coldest day of the year even though it. Went up to 83  degrees.  I would end up transferring to two other schools before finally settling into the fourth on my way to Middle School. Interestingly enough I honored in English Literature, English Composition, and H. S. Science and Chemistry. Oh and the violence never really stopped against me, but hitting puberty gave people some other stuff to concentrate on. Oh I also debated in mock trials twixe in middle school and twice in HS. I also precided over four mock trials in HS.

My first attempt at college was in 1991. Even though the college knew of my disabilities, access later verified some of the lesser visible ones through neurocognitive testing. The excuse was there was nothing they could do. Which is laughable. Ironically I ran into Phillip Michael Tbomas’ nephew who was also Learning Disabled and we conversed quite a while. But that was not even a drop in an otherwise mirky swamp. I would end up investing 6 years in what would be  a 15,000 student loan debt after the interest rates were gouged. Something that would take me around 20 years to fix through disability discharge. That was about 2010.

The shortest way to put this is I’m taking my time because of how horrible the previous experience was and how much more enriching this one is. But I should put forth I’m not here for appetizers or even the main course, I’m here to buy the restaurant.

Who Am I?

Hi everyone, my name is Kemba Charles. I am pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Paralegal Studies. I am majoring in Paralegal Studies mainly because I’ve always enjoyed learning about the law and would some day hope to become a lawyer. From this course I’d like to learn everything that it has to offer. About myself, I’m originally from a small Caribbean country called Trinidad & Tobago. I moved here a little over 4 years now to further my education. I love to travel and my favorite place to go to is the beach and ride the waves.


Who am I ?

Greetings everyone. My name is Nina Angelia. I am majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies because after I graduate I plan to go to law school or maybe join the navy as an Officer. I plan to be either because fighting for justice and the greater good is where my heart is. I want to learn and do everything this course has to offer so that I can carry it out through my eduction as a future paralegal/attorney. One thing about me is I am very much into fitness. I go to the gym 5-7 days a week, I am also working on being a personal trainer myself on the side as a hobby. I love cooking what what I refer to as clean eating and showing people living and eating healthy can be fun too. I have a fur baby name Charlie who is a 4 year old Shih Tzu and I make him eggs every morning.

Thank you !

Who I Am ?

I am proud to be doing my schooling at City Tech for its great Law curriculum to choose from an A.B.A. degree program as a Paralegal, and/or a Bachelor’s Degree in Pre-Law! Certainly, I will keep studying towards my law career as an attorney with a concentration in Constitutional law. What, I am looking from this program is to get educated professionally and be able to be prepared to compete for a good job in the market.

My ultimate goal is to do some work for a homeless advocacy group while, I continue studying for my degree. I believe that serving to others who suffer and are afflicted for their misfortunes in life is of great reward for the soul and especially, because I do not judge their past. Thank you.


Who Am I

Greetings! My name is Vishal Mohan.

I am majoring in Law and Paralegal studies. My destination in my career would have to be an asset to New York State Court of Appeals. But it have to start from somewhere so the starting point will have to be Nassau county court. I have been gravitated towards law since a younger age because of my father being an attorney. My father had a really great impact on my life.

The power, motivation and the mental support the attorneys provide to their client is beyond imagination. The satisfaction I used to get to see someone I know helping people in their hard time is one I cannot describe it in words. This is my second semester I am a freshman.

A little bit about more about myself. I have completed my associated in business management in accounting. Looking forward to what my future beholds.

Thank you!


Who Am I ?

Hi my name is Kaya Peterson I am  majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies because ever since I  was a little girl, I already knew what I wanted to do I always told my parents I wanted to become a lawyer and then later down in the years become a judge. Going through some stuff my last year of high school only pushed me more to pressure and strive for my goals to become a Criminal  Defense Lawyer and then a Judge I know it’s not going to be easy but I’m going to push to reach my goal. Something I want to learn or do in this courses more about New York State laws and how it applies to me and the citizens of New York. Something I want the class to know about me is that I’m very chilled and laidback, I just like to eat a lot.

Who I Am

Hello, my name is Sandra.

I am majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies because I would really love to be part of the District Attorney’s office in Brooklyn one day. I think getting justice for someone doing a wrong to you is a great satisfaction. I also believe that law, if you know it right, can benefit you. I also realized that I like to talk to people and find out everything about a specific moment, the who, what, where, why, and I am very good at filing documents, that I even do it at my home. Something I want to learn from this course is how does a paralegal start the process of filing paperwork and what each form is for.

A little bit about myself is that I have not been in a classroom since 2013, when I finished my Associates in Business Administration. I am ambitious, I always want more. I am soon to be married with my fiancee by May, we have two little girls who we adore! I quit my full-time job to pursue my long time goals, I am juggling my family, my home, my school work, and my part time job to have a more promising career.

Who Am I?

My name is Ana and I am majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies because I’ve always been intrigued by history and how the government system works. I feel like the law is seen as such a corrupt and unfair system here in the United States but thats probably because there are rules and procedures that have to be followed and thats something that many people fail to comprehend. I don’t really know much of this subject because I just transferred from Nursing into Law and Paralegal and I know that these two majors are completely different and may not have much in common but I do have a high interest for both of these areas of study. Something that I wanted to do in this course and I actually already found out that we will be doing, is visiting a court. I have been to criminal and family courts but I’ve never really payed much attention because I didn’t really know what to pay attention to but now this is something that I am very much looking forward to. I am a freshman in college and this is my second semester. I live in the Bronx  with my mom, my two brothers and my two dogs. I consider my two dogs as my kids. One of them is a miniature poodle, his name is Andy and he will be turning 8 years old on April 15. My other dog is a mixed Dalmatian, he is still a baby, he will be 6 months old by February 05 and his name is Leo. Andy was given to us by my uncle who moved and couldn’t take him to his new place anymore and Leo was picked up by me from Mexico earlier in December of last year.

who am I assignment

My name is Keron Waldron, transferred from computer engineering. Intend to go to Law school after this, currently I’m a waiter and bartender. This class so far has strike me as intriguing, so my expectations are really high on what I expect and I’m really boring once you get to know me.

Who I Am !


My name is Andrea Rosario, this is my first semester in college. This is my first time ever in City Tech, looking for a great experience in this college. I am majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies because I love the Laws & Rules. I wanted to always be a lawyer and be able to start somewhere and expand my knowledge. I love the experience of being able to learn about the Laws and the Rules and be able to know what your talking about. I always wanted to know the court system and how everything else works. To my own opinion it is very exciting.

Something I would love to learn through out this course would be some civil case. Also wanted to learn different things you can do when it comes to dismissing a civil case. I also want to learn what does civil cases consist of. I want to just learn and know all the variety of things in the Law system.

Somethings about myself are, I love to go shopping, I work and go to school as well. I also love to enjoy my time doing things I love to do. I am shy at first but after a while I am out spoken. I am a friendly person and like meeting new people in the world. I also like to expolore the world and always do new things. I am also a very outgoing person. Looking forward to this semester.

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