Summer internship with Federal Court of Appeals! Second Circuit, in downtown Manhattan. Pays $15-21/hour! Check out the details. This is a great opportunity, and only two positions are available–apply NOW!! (posted 05.04.19)
Become a Peer Mentor! $15/hour for 5-10 hours a week! You are eligible if you have completed 20 credits by the end of this semester, you are CUNY proficient, you have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, and you are willing to impart your wisdom on first year students. Here is the flyer, and priority date for applications is Friday, May 3! But they’ll still be accepted after that. If interested, email or talk to Prof. C. (posted 04.27.19)
Info session on applying for NYC Civil Service Jobs: Thursday, May 9, 12:45-2PM in A104 (new building).
Need an ID course? Register for HIS 3402ID, “US and the Global Cold War” for Fall 2019! Information here. Fulfills the interdisciplinary (ID) course requirement for graduation, AND the “World Cultures/Global Issues” Pathways requirement! AND it’s really interesting! (posted 04.12.19)
Brooklyn Bar Association (very close to City Tech) is seeking a bilingual individual (preferably Spanish or Russian) for a part time position to assist with their Lawyer Referral Service. If you are interested, please email your resume to Prof. Jeannette Espinoza, (posted 03.27.19)
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