Civ Pro midterm is available!

Good morning!

Don’t forget, we will not meet on Zoom for class today!  Instead, you’ll take your Civil Procedure (LAW 1103) midterm exam during any two-hour period between now and 6pm today.  The exam is now available on Blackboard, under “Content.”  You need to take the exam in one sitting, so once you start it, you must complete and submit it before logging off Blackboard.  If you have any questions, you may contact me until 3pm through our regular course Zoom link , and anytime by phone  at 718.260.4939.  You may email me but I may not be able to respond promptly.  Please don’t text me.

On Monday Oct. 25, we WILL meet on Zoom 11:30am like usual for Intro (1101).  We’ll discuss FYLC Collaborative Assignment #2 where you’ll choose a legal source that relates to your English Unit 2 project.  If you have not already done so, PLEASE send me an email describing your topic for English Unit 2, and identifying three (3) half-hour blocks when you are available to meet next week.  See “Assignments” tab for details.

Good luck on the exam, have a restful weekend, see you Monday!

Prof. C.

Intro (1101) midterm exam Wed. Oct. 21!

Esteemed Students!

I hope you all had a lovely day.  Just a reminder, tomorrow (Wed. Oct. 21), we will not meet on Zoom for class. Rather, you’ll take the Intro to Paralegal Studies (LAW 1101) midterm exam which will be available on Blackboard, under “Content.”  You may take the exam any time between 10am and 6pm, in one sitting during any two-hour period.  If you have any questions during that time, you may contact me through our regular course Zoom link between 10am and 2pm, and by phone anytime at 718.260.4939.  You may also email me but I may not be able to respond promptly.

Study hard, good luck, and have a pleasant evening!

Prof. C.



Meet for class 11:30am Wednesday!

Esteemed Students,

I hope you enjoyed your school-free day on Monday!  DON’T FORGET!  Tomorrow (Wed. Oct. 14) we’ll meet on Zoom at our regular time, 11:30am, for Intro class, we’ll conduct class till about 12:15pm, then we’ll stop so you can go to our course Blackboard site and take QUIZ #2!  I’ve posted some interesting new articles under the Articles tab, check them out, you might want to write a response for extra points on next week’s midterm exams!  THANK YOU, Carmen, for breaking the ice on the legal new responses!

Have a pleasant evening all, see you tomorrow,

Prof. C.


New articles posted! & plan for Wednesday (quiz)

Esteemed Students!

GREAT work in today’s class, especially with such challenging material!  Also terrific participation from many of you!  I’ve posted several new articles in the “articles” tab to which you might want to post responses for extra credit:

Of course you’re always welcome to respond to an article you choose on your own, these are just suggestions.

DON’T FORGET!  No classes Monday Oct. 12, then on Wednesday Oct. 14, college follows Monday schedule.  We’ll meet on Zoom that day at 11:30am like usual, hold class till about 12:15pm, then you’ll take quiz #2 on Blackboard.

Enjoy the long weekend!

Prof. C.

Get published!

Get published in the City Tech Writer!  City Tech Writer is City Tech’s journal of outstanding student writing from all disciplines–including law!  Check out their Openlab site.  The editors are now accepting submissions from faculty sponsors of students’ work for the Spring 2021 issue.  If you’ve written an essay or other work of which you are particularly proud, or if you would like to write something new to submit, let me know!  I’ll be happy to work with you on it and sponsor you.  The deadline for submissions is November 15 so we should start soon. 🙂

This info is also posted under “Events & info.”

Prof. C.

Leuthner case to read & reply by 1pm Fri!

Hello!  For today’s Civ Pro class, please read this Appellate Division, Second Department decision in Leuthner v. Homewood Suites addressing NY’s Long Arm Jurisdiction.  It’s not easy!  But try your best to get the gist of it.  Before 1pm Friday, please reply to this post with a thoughtful reaction, question, something you found interesting, something you didn’t understand, etc. — that shows that you read and thought about the case!  We’ll discuss it in Friday’s Civ Pro class.


Prof. C.

Coughlin’s timekeeping record!

Tuesday, Oct. 6, 6:15-10:15 am

0.75 — run regular route in my neighborhood

0.25 — stretch & calisthenics

0.75 — shower & dress

0.50 — attend church service on Zoom

0.50 — respond to emails

0.25 — walk from my apartment to PetSmart and back

0.50 — in PetSmart, select items (canned & dry cat food), wait on line, and pay

0.25 — back home, put away cat food

0.25 — walk to City Tech

Reflection: Even though I did this constantly when I practiced law full-time, it was hard to get back in the habit of doing it. But after those four hours, as I went through my day, I kept thinking of what I did in terms of quarter hour increments, like after a 40-minute meeting, I thought “0.75 meeting with Pres. Hotzler.”  Also I was surprised how long it took me to respond to emails!  I only had a few and thought it would take 10 minutes, but it took 30.


Follow up to today’s class! (Fri. Oct. 2)

Good evening,

GREAT JOB in today’s class!  We covered a LOT of material, and you asked TERRIFIC questions.  I really appreciate the thought and effort you are devoting to our work, especially in these challenging circumstances.

I have now confirmed that the answer key to the homework questions that I had previously posted was correct!  For #6, it correctly notes that Westchester County is in the Second Department, therefore a White Plains City Court decision should be appealed to Appellate Term for the Second Department.  (I was wrongly thinking Westchester was in the First Department–THAT is why it is critical to always check the maps and charts! 🙂 ) I have also updated the “Assignments” and “Class notes & materials” pages to show what we did today and what is due next week.

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable weekend and I look forward to seeing you Monday 11:30am!


Prof. C.

ZOOM info for LPS Club meeting TODAY 4pm!

Esteemed Students,
Here is the Zoom info for today’s 4pm meeting of the Law & Paralegal Studies Club:

Passcode: 111009

Meeting ID: 970 4477 4576

Here’s info on the meeting:
The Law and Paralegal Studies Club, of which you are all automatically members, is holding a general meeting TODAY, Thursday, October 1st  at 4 pm.  Among the topics they will address is changing the name of our program’s degrees from “Legal Assistant Studies” to “Law and Paralegal Studies.” See this draft petition to the college Provost for further detail.  Here is a student survey on the name change that the club would like you to complete.  If you want to join the meeting, or you can’t attend but want further information, please email Youliana Attia, the club’s secretary, at
Prof. C.