P2&3-Sketches- Janae Harrison





 Draft 1

Draft 2

Thesis Statement:  The human face is apart of our bodies that contain many features and interesting facts about it. A human face is something we see every day, from looking in the mirror to simply going outside and looking at strangers. I feel that the human face is something that has so many facts about it. Our face is something that we carry with us every day and don’t stop to think about all the facts about it. It’s very important to learn about something that we see every day.

4 thoughts on “P2&3-Sketches- Janae Harrison”

  1. Hey Janae, I really like the topic you chose! The human face is very interesting and your project can go many ways based on what you choose to focus on. I think from last class professor mentioned something about facial expressions and making it for a child audience. Your sketches really give me that child drawing aesthetic and I think it would be a really strong visual as a diagram. Right now I think focusing on what information your going to show and how your going to show it is what you should focus on.

  2. Hi Janae, I really like the topic you chose! The human face is very interesting. I really like to see how each time period of human face changes.

  3. Janae, I like your topic on the human face. I agree, we look at human faces everyday and we don’t really pay attention to that much unless it has to do with skin care and the face is where most of our emotions are expressed!

  4. Nice work Janae. I think you’ve figured out the content nicely. I think you should push your target audience a little more. Is this for kids? Where would the poster appear? In a pediatricians office? In a nursery school? You might play with your type to make it a little more kid friendly – maybe slightly bigger body text size. And would it make sense to color code the emotions? From a quick googles search I learned: there are ‘6 basic expressions i.e. happiness, surprise, sadness, anger, fear and disgust.” Is sadness and disappointment maybe the same thing? What about disgust?

    What else could you explain to better educate kids? Why is reading/showcasing emotions important?

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