Monthly Archives: October 2016

Potato Shoot

Summary: Technology in agriculture has advanced to the point that genetic information is as ubiquitous as software, and can be developed as such, turning plant life from actual “life” to a commodity that happens to be derived from organic processes, rather than manufactured ones. Caught in the confines of these advancements are the actual farmers who plant their seeds, at the consequence of having to endure great economic stress to maintain a farm in the first place. Genetically modified seeds can solve a myriad of problems that can cut down the expenses of being a farmer, but a farmer is then bound by laws and policies at the mercy of the people who engineer these plants, which can be just as expensive when it becomes clear that much of what these “copyrights” cover is outside of a farmer’s direct control.


Communication Problem:  How much control does a person have over nature? Can people lay claim to a technique of modifying life, and hold others accountable when life, true to itself, behaves unpredictably and results in an effect not intended?


Image Ideas: An ad for potatoes, as with any ad, is much easier to convey than an idea. There are common tricks in existing media concerning Idaho Potatoes. I have Denise Austin to thank for the connotation Idaho Potatoes have with sunshine and open fields because of those old commercials that used to play when I was younger. Shooting the potatoes lit by warm light, just slightly yellow to be pleasing to the eye and not overly so to be taken as a photographic mistake, is my first instinct. As for the book cover, I think something more neutral and questioning is in order, as the author does not rally against GMO foods, but he does leave a sense of foreboding at the end with the idea of corporate handling of the future of food production. Corporate to me brings up clinical lighting that’s pale and cool with some deep shadows, which means I will be going after some uneven lighting ratios.

Results:  The stations this week were very interesting exercises in how to use light and reflections and color to create interesting effects, let alone compelling compositions and moods. While I feel I only have one example of my original idea that I can’t really use because it does not fit the criteria of the website specifications, there are many unintended but pleasant photographs that I can use for this week’s project. There was also an interesting after effect of using a green filter over a green table, in which the table itself turned blue in photographs, which was very surprising and something to keep in mind in the future. 

Headphones and hearing lost

Listening through headphones at a high volume for extended periods of time can result in lifelong hearing loss for every one. It is very dangerous so Created an ad to stop using headphones with loud music, I think its came up very nice. Using good-quality headphones is a wise move regarding hearing health, as is a dose of common sense and low volume.

Social Media Addiction

Summary: This article discusses how social network is equivalent to be as habit-forming as crack cocaine. It shows that many people who tried to quit or thought could quit, actually couldn’t resist their temptation to go online. Without realizing how time-consuming this networks are, the article explains the negative effects on these sites may have on an individual’s life such as harm personal relationships and may even damage careers. All these social networks are designed to approach their consumers and also be addictive by their design. Nobody wants to miss out, everyone wants to be included. These sites are created to reach their goal so you don’t resist them.

Communication Problem: The communication problem is showing social media in a way to show how hard it is to actually resist them. Many people don’t seem to be able to live without these social handles and it becomes part of their lifestyle. I want to be able to show, the attraction that these sites have on a person.

Image Ideas: An image Idea would be someone constantly on the phone, or many individuals focused on one thing – their phones. I want it to have a direct lighting, show their face expressions and how in-tune they are with their phone by ignoring what’s truly around them. Their environment and other people. In result, my group came up with really great ideas. Such as using, an individual who is so self-absorbed by the number of likes they are getting or even praising social media as if it were a religion. Another group member thought of it as more of a medical way where you were actually hooked on your phone. So overall, our shoot consisted of all these concepts which were really fun to do!

Social Media Addiction

Summary: This article is about social media addiction and how the people who engineer apps like Facebook and Instagram work to make it addicting. We live in a world where people are slaves to their devices because of apps like Instagram. Social interaction went from talking to liking each others posts. The article states that FOMO or the fear of missing out is what makes social media addictive. Another thing that draws you in is the bright red icon that shows you the number of people who have mentioned or followed you or have liked a post. The color choice isn’t random. I for one have never been able to ignore the bright red bubble. Another thing would be that fact that clicking one post about something is going to lead you to 10 more similar posts that might interest you and in turn that takes another hour or two of trying to pry your eyes away.

Communication Problem: Taking a photo that is understandable at first glance. Showing the extremes of social media and addiction.

Image Ideas: Having a needle (fake covered one) taped to someones arm and the other end in a headphone jack while Instagram has its notifications open. A group of people on their phones surrounding a person with no phone who looks anxiously other their shoulders.


The headphone brand I will be using is called WESC, it is a very youthful and overall stylish company. The NYC public service campaign, basically talks hearing loss and how it affects a lot more of us than most people would think. Especially the younger generation who seem to think their ears “invincible” and just blast away their music, permanently damaging their ear drums. My target audience for the headphone ad will be teens and adults that are into fashion and style.  While my target for hearing loss will be for adults, who understand the dangers of constantly blasting music. One of my images i hope to convey that the headphones are stylish and fashionable, while my other image I hope to show the seriousness of hearing loss. In terms of lighting I want the headphones ad to be well lit, to convey a sense of vibrancy and energy, while the hearing loss image I want some nice shadows to illustrate the seriousness of the matter.

The Lower Manhattan revival

The article “The Lower Manhattan revival, now featuring One World Trade Center” is quite an interesting read. The basic gist of the article talks about Lower Manhattan, before 9/11 and post 9/11 and how Manhattan is slowly getting back it’s vibrancy. So the focus of the images I am going to take should focus on the positives of Lower Manhattan, such ass people interacting with each other, everyday activities,  and even just the beauty of the city itself. I will try to avoid depressing type of images or images that could invoke depressing feelings.

4) Health care for all


  • Brand Identity: WESC is a premium streetwear brand born in the streets of Stockholm, offering 
innovative and contemporary clothing and accessories for the intellectual slacker who is seeking to express originality in a world of uniform thinking. Their Target Audience is people in the late teen to mid-thirties.


  • NYC Public Service Campaign: The NYC public service campaign on hearing loss aims to encourages people to lower the volume when using their headphones in order to prevent future hearing loss. According to NYEE (New York Eye and Ear Infirmary), “Hearing loss is a critical public health issue. According to The National Institutes of Health, approximately 36 million Americans already have some degree of hearing loss…”
  • Image Ideas:  Close up photos, different perspectives of the subject wearing the headphones, focus on a laidback-and-friendly attitude.


Social Media Addiction

Summary: The article shows the other side of using social media. It is addicting and it was design to be addicting. Most of us use social media without understanding that we actually can’t live without checking our social accounts. It is good parts in social media too: getting resent news, staying up-to-date with our family and friends but the bottom line is in when the same social media starts affecting our lives. Here just a few examples: buying things which we might not need, getting disturbed from work, spending less time with our families and friends. I read a few more articles about the same problem and one of them claimed that posting happy pictures and seeing happy pictures from others can actually  lead to a depression state because no one likes to share his failure or not positive things from his live. We want to keep that happy image about ourselves which sometimes can be different from the reality. I think that the main problem of being addicted to social media that virtual life takes over the real one and the virtual life is so convenient,  tempting and entertaining just in one click…

Communication Problem: Showing social media in awkward situations. Showing addiction from social media and making everyone to connect himself with the photo. Exaggeration

Image Ideas: Group shot of friend using phones instead real communications. Showing awkward usage of likes and other FB attributes such emoji. Additional acquirement: pink sunglasses like symbol of a fake reality.

Result: The final image has a different concept from my initial idea. During the photo shoot in the studio I got a comment from David that the sunglasses looked more negative rather than a symbol of a fake reality. I decided to use this observation to build my new concept. Also I changed color of the coat to red in Photoshop for enhancing the “danger feeling”. I think I represented the social media addiction itself in the final image.