After the reading of both articles, one from Helen Armstrong in Graphic Design Theory : Readings From the Field and from Bruno Munari’s Design as Art (1966):. As designing and creation for design is often overlooked. It is important that we don’t lose our idealism and creative aspect in terms of design on the digital world as we live in today. Especially with the pandemic, where the changes in graphic design took a toll on a bigger impact on the digital world. The importance of remembering the roots of where design comes from, the creative mind.

With technology becoming the standards, we are seein more standardized formats in the digital world. From layouts on buses to layouts in a fast food menu screen. We are approaching a universal system of connection, according to Armstrong. “At the same time that technology is empowering a new collectivity, it is also redefining universality. To understand how this crucial design concept is
evolving, we need to take a look at how it initially emerged” This to me means that although there is standardized layouts and designs, we as a designer still have unlimited approaches to making a design or developing a past design.

Although it as seen as art and design doesn’t need to be taught in schools, the standardized method is through school. The way it is approached is what keeps the community unique in terms that we don’t have to learn a different language to appericate or understand the meanings behind each piece. This was the birth of the schools such as Bauhuas in 1919, founder Walter Gropius. According to Munari, the specialized teaching is the most effective. Although a birth of an artist isn’t needed from this training, but the understanding of terms and the precise method of learning from the school would put a better understanding in the industry.

I agree with both of the niches and details both article gives. In terms of unity, the methods of using school is very important in my eyes. We are able to understand another designer from the common knowledge we learnt from the specialized learning we obtain through years and efficiency.

Even when the times are different from one another, the methods of using techniques and uniformally is something we all have to look back and keep in touch with. This allows future designers to expand their knowledge and idealism in the creative aspects.