This week’s readings were fantastic for learning new stuff about advertisements. It greatly assists me in comprehending images. It was fantastic to understand all of these crucial terms. I found this reading to be very informative and it helped me understand more about ads image and how they are used. I like reading about the messages, especially where he discusses them. learning about polysemy, that all images are polysemous, beneath the surface of any signifier, the reader can choose and ignore a free association of signifiers. The image sends out a linguistic first message right away, which is backed up by the supplementary text and labeling, which are integrated into the spontaneous layout.  Implied messages have different signifiers that imply the distinctive viewpoints of a promotion. Apprehension and worry over the meaning of things or behaviors are linked to images. Learning about linguistic messages There are three types of symbolic messages: linguistic communications, coded symbolic messages, and uncoded symbolic messages. Linguistic communications can easily be distinguished from the other two. This is a great example provided by the author, who states that currently at the level of mass communication, it appears that the linguistic message is indeed present in every image, such as a title caption, supporting press articles, film dialogue, and comic strip balloon. The denoted message is The coding of the literal prepares and aids communication since it creates a difference in the image right away the implementation of a painting creates a connotation in and of itself. My favorite part is when the author explains his points using examples. We have discovered that the separation of literal and symbolic signals in photography works. At least in ads, literal images don’t look perfect. Even if a completely naive image is achieved, it is complemented by a third symbolic message and completed with naive signs. as learning about the last term. Concerning the connotated message, it prevents the image or concept from proliferating excessively into one or more areas, thereby, preventing dysphoria from setting in. I think the messages are the messages that can be caught on through all the components of a picture.