“Medium is the message” by McLuhan is a very interesting article and I am so glad that I have this opportunity to read it. The discussion at the beginning of the paragraph is about the way in which we are all changing and everything around us in a very fast and drastic way. Another interesting point is the way in which things are being communicated and how this information Is being absorb by society, specially children. 

A quote from the article that I found profound and relevant to what is going on in the world now reads “ A new form of politics is emerging and in ways we haven’t yet noticed. The living room has become a voting booth.” I think that this is a very powerful statement because depending on the issues that are happening in the world is what we perceive form the television programming and it becomes part of us and part of a daily discussion in our most intimate places and moments. New information is being presented to us all the time, for different platforms and different point of views and depending on who is giving this new information and there is new things to know and learn about all the time. 

I like the way he touched every aspect of what make up a society and what makes us. For example, when discusses “ your job,” “Your government,” “Your Family.” This are of all the things that makes us and a society.  I think that for a designer it is so much easier to reach an audience now but this is both good and bad because the information is not always good or correct and is a constant flow of information to the point that people’s lives are being consume by all of this.