COMD3504 - Section OL69 - Spring 2022

Discussion 3b – Xiaofei Wang

This advertisement I chose is for BMW electric car. The whole advertisement has a relaxed and humorous style. The first half of the advertisement uses Zeus’s ability to manipulate electricity to help others as a foreshadowing, and the appearance of the BMW in the second half plays a very smooth transition. Throughout the advertisement, the special effects of electricity are highlighted, and Zeus helps others to reflect the convenience and importance of electricity in people’s lives. Although the entire commercial is only one minute long, the shots, soundtracks, and special effects from the beginning to the end all give me the feeling of a superhero movie. The BMW’s appearance in the two-thirds of the ad, in the 41st second, is also just right. In the last 20 seconds, the design of the car and the characteristics of the tram will be fully displayed, so that the audience will not feel boring and aesthetically fatigued, and even after the end of the advertisement, there even will be a feeling of not enough. Overall, the lens language, actors’ gesture, actor’s lines and the graphic language were all combined well to each other to supported the selling point of this electric car.

1 Comment

  1. Ebony Derrick

    I agree, the camera angles and the special effects help grab the viewer’s attention to the electric car more.

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