Filippo Tommaso Marinetti reading of The Futurist Manifesto. As he tells how he is overcoming adversity, he also explains what happens at night with his friend independently with no light. This was unlike anything I’d ever read before, and it was the first time I’d ever heard and read it. This reading provides a gentle reminder that while there is no light in this world, there is still happiness and that it is still preferable to a scary old painting to a dead person. This reading was exceptional. I also agree with Marinetti in that he rejects the past since, as humans, we go through so much in our lives; some of us have a beautiful past, while others have a bad one, so it is always preferable to move on and try to leave your life behind.

The second reading, Who We Are Manifesto of the Constructivist Group, is about using technology as art, which I enjoyed reading. This reading was about utilizing imagination to depict what’s going on in your thoughts as art but not as a human. Sketches of “factory apparel,” 1922, are also one of my favorites. This outfit has a beautiful viewpoint on the second page of the reading, This outfit is from the year 1922. As soon as I saw the dress, it reminded me of my design for my last discussion. As we learned in the third reading of our BooK el lissiTzKy | 1926, which was also my favorite reading, Art is a one-time event that does not evolve. Art has importance because it expresses what we are thinking about as we go through life. According to this understanding, what we discover in the art of having to print are wonderful modifications followed by technical improvements in the manufacture of the tools. In the visual arena, the same thing happened with photography and invention. by telling us a way of showcasing their life stories of the beginning artist, and by how they trough these situations, the kinds of possibilities these authors envision for their immediate futures as though they were telling us and describing their experiences in their reading. ​​ 

These all readings were excellent examples of providing us with these readings to read to learn from earlier design experiences, such as Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s reading. I had never heard a narrative like this before. I believe that the role that they believe technology will play in molding those futures could be something to look for in a better version of it as outlined in the first reading. Looking at the design of art used to show the world, I believe technology will play a significant role in defining such futures. As with anything else in our lives, technology is extremely important to us. Technology was different back then than it is now, with today’s youth harnessing it to produce anything. These artists foresee future art and design by giving themselves additional opportunities to work on things like symbolism, art, design, and writing style. When utilizing the phrase “technology,” it’s important to keep in mind that the future will be shaped by art and design, according to this expression. The elements of these texts are applicable for the present is on page 2 of the constructivist grouP’s Who We Are mAnifEsto, and our BooK el lissiTzKy | 1926 is also on page 2.