- I recently discovered this website, https://www.kaybigknifedesign.com/, in my last class, where I found something that I was interested in. This designer’s work is very stunning. Her creations are all very unique, incorporating a variety of colors and forms. I adore the way she incorporates animals, plants, and the environment into her art. In the Japanese anime, The Terrain of the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation,
- The floral arrangement is stunning. This also makes me remember how much I enjoy painting flowers when I’m bored. After reading my discussions, everyone knows what I’m talking about.
- Everything I see on this website was designed by the designer, which piques my curiosity about this work. With these illustrated pieces of art, she can show off all of her hard work. I’ve just become a big fan of the illustration program I’ll be using for my project. My favorite piece of art from the designer’s website is her personal project artwork.
- This has been my favorite class since the first day since I have learned something new in every class from all of the reading I’ve completed so far. It gives the impression of learning about design, what design is, and so on. It has been extremely beneficial to me in learning about the designer lifestyle, which is something that we will all be dealing with in the future as students in this course.
- All of the reading I’ve completed in the first 1,2,3,4,5 weeks has been a favorite of mine. Language is one of my favorite topics to read about. This reading brings back memories of my own life.
- Also, reading Roland Barthes’ Rhetoric of the Image provided me with a wealth of information and sources for studying and learning about the advertisement. Prof. I’m happy to be a part of this communication design theory class. I would like to use her design for my final. but I don’t have a theory about the design I’ve picked at the moment.
This is great Iqra. I think we covered more details in an email, but I think it is a great idea for you to present on the work or Kay Big Knife. Again, try to stick with a single project or a few projects to explore in greater depth. You could work from any number of readings to address this work. An examination of the visual rhetoric, based on Roland Barthes, could be great. You might also think about some of the cultural stereotypes that Stuart Hall discusses in The Whites of Their Eyes. You should have plenty to work from. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed so many of the readings!