In design there are many different counts of systematic techniques and approaches one can take to design. Josef Muller-Brockmann who wrote Grid and Design Philosophy spoke of the benefits and importance of utilizing a grid system while creating your design. Using the elements and specs of a grid such as the horizontal and vertical lines can create a symmetrical and neat layout.

Jan Tschichold writer of the new Typography uses a systematic approach of clarity within typography. As typography goes, its more than fonts, serifs and san serifs. its a way of communication. because typography is text, and text is used to communicate via visuals and reading. Its important that typography can be understood and has clarity in order to be effective. Tschichold also wants to have a balance of clarity and visual beauty. Creating a design that incorporates typography and a visually stunning design that doesn’t sacrifice one for the other.

Designing Programmes by Karl Gerstner goes in a different direction of systematic techniques and talks about the thinking process before the design or visuals are created. Such as Jan Tschichold and the emphasis on clarity Gerstner also speaks on the importance of designing as a solution is to have a clear vision and a non bias approach. Which means tackling a problem not from an emotional aspect which will create one solution. But thinking of a design solution that has an open ended solution. Creating a design that incorporates other ideas as to not be held down to one answer.