I really enjoyed reading these articles, Specially Typophoto by Laszlo Moholy- Nagy. I am fascinated by typography because I think that it is such a big part of design and a lot of times typography alone is art. I think the concept of “typophoto” is very interesting, the combination of photo and typography is a powerful tool of communication. A strong typography illustrated through photography is beautiful and a simple way of communication. 

On Typography by Herbert Bayer, he starts off by explaining that we need new styles of typography which helps designers get more creativity and excited. I think that there is some truth to this, seeing a new typography is exciting for me and I haven’t done any big work so I can image for someone that has been designing for a while. I recently attended a workshop about typography and I did not know how difficult it is to come up with a new typeface and the hard work that goes into brining it to life. 

One interesting topic is “printing,” Nowadays some material still gets printed but it has change so much and most work these days never gets printed. I have a printer and I forgot when was the last time I used it, this is a digitalized age and printing has been a huge part of design for a very long time and it seems like it is staying behind. Therefore, some typography design may never get printed but will be shared and admired through imagery and film.