The possibilities that these authors envision for the future is the changes that occur in the world and how do we as designers adapt to the changes. In order be a designer we must keep up with the daily changes that occur in our world . Changes allow for improvements in our skills,knowledge and refines our thinking of design. If we do not have the abilIty to change then we wont be able to adapt to the modern usage of technology and also it prevents an individual from evolving and learning new changes the evolves around us. Every day human technologies evolves and changes. This results in the thought process of what can be implemented in a new design piece. In the article “Who We Are” by Aleksandr Rodchenko, Rodchenko stated “previously Engineers relaxed with art now Artists relax with technology , Sketch of “production clothing,” 1922.what’s needed is no rest Who saw a wall….
Who saw just a plane everyone and no one
Someone who had actually seen came and simply showed”. Technology is used to create better and advanced design peaces . Technology has evolve to the point where it is hard to adapt new and better technology. Once we start to adapt and get better in our design we can work and relax on our creativity
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