From what i can gather by reading these articles and doing a little research language is a form communication that is bound to a different country or region. However that isnât the entire definition of language. Language is a complex word to define many people assume that language links us to a name or a thing we associate ourself to. But it doesnât inform us if language is vocal or psychological in nature. According to the article â Course Of General Linguisticsâ it explains that language can be formed as a double entry by the association of multiple words. The article then further explains that language is â psychological and are united in the brain by an associative bond.â Language doesnât only combine thing and a name but an idea and a sound or image.
one should understand that proper language and other forms of communication can differ from each other. For example language can focus on signs symbols and words, while other forms of communication emphasizes on getting the message across the individual or audience. However our concept and sound /imagery is the most important characteristic of proper language. Sound/image is the sensory of our brain which is associated with what we see or hear around us. If you observe your own speech we can move talk to our self or we can remember and repeat multiple amount of verses with out moving our mouth or lips. This is due to the fact that we associate the words and speeches of our language as Sound/images. However we can create misunderstandings if we are speaking in phonemes. We can avoid these misunderstandings by speaking the sound and sylables of a word if we can remember the names that are connected to sound/images.
The role that language play in design is an important one. language can be used to advertise a product or show your knowledge of design. This in return can help you resonate with audiences and they will be willing to pay or ask for your services. Using proper language can also bring a brand to life, which sets up a foundation and gives consistency between products or experience. Depending on how you use Language it makes it easy for clients to understand and thankful for our work.
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