Professor Michals

Category: Lab Exercises (Page 3 of 4)

Lab: Week 5 – Freezing and Blurring Motion

Shooting with strobes, experiment and create some magic with frozen motion.

Shoot at least 20 examples and put them in an album on Flickr. Send the best one to the class group.

In a series of long exposure photographs, use motion blur to tell a story, a ghost story if you will. Contrast something sharp, still and in focus with motion blur to create a narrative or show an inner state or emotion. Shoot at least 20 examples and put them in an album on Flickr. Send the 3 photos that tell your story to the class group.

Technical Requirements

  1. Use a tripod. The camera cannot move during the exposure.

2. Use the timer so that you do not shake the camera.

3. Use the strobes’ modeling light for the exposure. It will be warmer than the flash so if AWB is not cutting it, adjust the WB.

4. Use a long exposure such as 10″ with ISO 100 and a narrow aperture such as f11. This should give you enough time to create the blur you want.

5. You can create multiple exposures by popping the flash during the exposure.

Lab: Week 4 – Painting with Light

Working with your group, using painting with light with or without a person in the frame create a series of photos that convey the following emotions: anxiety, loneliness, fear, hope, joy, serenity.

Post to Flickr, the best work you shot with your camera.

Working with your group, select the best photo that was taken by anyone in your group for each emotion and put them in a gallery block in a post on Openlab. Make sure to label them with the emotion and the photographer.

Category: Lab 4: Painting with Light

Lab: Week 3 – Depth of Field and Aperture

2 pts. Take a series of photos, a minimum of 30, where there is something near the camera and something far from the camera. One of them is in focus. In other words, there is a subject in the foreground of the photo and a different subject in the background of the photo. One is out of focus and one is in focus.

It is going to be getting dark so set the camera to manual and:

  • set the shutter speed to 1/125 or 1/100
  • set the aperture to the widest setting – lowest number
  • set the ISO to auto

Once it is dark, take a minimum of 10 abstract out-of-focus photos of distant lights with your widest aperture. The lights should become beautiful round circles.

Put all the photos you took during class in an album on Flickr. Send the best two to the class group.

Lab: Week 2 – Silhouettes

The sun will set tonight at 7:06pm. Starting about 7:15, set your subject against the remaining bright areas of the sky to create a silhouette. The sky needs to be much brighter than your subject. Try for a minimum of 10 shots with a range of subjects.

Put all of your silhouette shots in an Album on Flickr. Select your personal best and put a small version of it on Openlab with a description of how you captured the image. Include your photo settings: Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO.

Category: Lab: Week 2 – Silhouettes

Lab: Week 2 – Angle of View

1 pts. Find a subject. It could be a bridge, a dog or a person, a tree, a flower or something else altogether. (Try to stay away from street furniture.) Take a series of photos of that subject from different angles and with different cropping until you get two photos of the same subject that really look different.

The goal is to take two photographs of the same subject that are different in composition and mood. Make your subject look big in one and small in another, symmetrical and asymmetrical, cute and fierce, pretty and ugly, strong and delicate just with the crop and angle of view that you use.

Repeat for a minimum of 8 subjects. Select a range of subjects from huge such as a bridge to small such as a bee.

Once back in the classroom, download your photos and create an album in Flcikr with your final 10 pairs of photos.

Select the two photos of your most radically transformed subject and upload medium versions of them to a post on OpenLab with a description of the angles and other compositional devices you used to transform the subject.

Category: Lab: Week 2- Angle of View

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