Professor Michals

Author: Jennifer (Page 2 of 2)

Midterm Statement

The social issue I chose for this project deals with the smaller causes and effects that correlate with climate change. Climate change, as a whole, is important because it involves the health of our planet, and thus the home we inhabit. It is usually spoken about, but what isn’t touched upon much are the smaller things that we do/can do to help, as well as the small things we do that hurt our planet. Just the like the saying goes, “a little goes a long way;” we can do our part whether it is minimal to help. Small actions such as recycling, switching from hot water laundry use to cold water, planting trees/plants, etc; can help influence others to do the same. Climate change is measured over many years and as of recent, the climate change has resulted in our summers increasing in temperatures and increase in both floods and storms. Climate change can also be confused with global warming, but global warming is one of the effects from climate change. Another reason that our small actions are important is because we all play a part inhibiting this planet. Most people are under the assumption that the government or people with power can take care of things, but that isn’t true. It is easy to leave the responsibility to others, but as long as we are living on Earth, we are using the oxygen provided by this planet. If climate change is left alone to a few select people, then we are basically leaving our lives and those of our future generations in their hands. According to The Natural Resources Defense Council, the big thing to do is stopping the use of burning fossil fuels. The smaller actions taken by ourselves also helps along the way, and bringing awareness of this issue to others who believe they have no say in it.

HW1 – Gordon Parks

The photograph is titled Red Jackson and it was taken in 1948. The subject matter in this photograph is of a young man called Red Jackson. The subject is staring out a window against the bright sunlight falling down his face. This brings out a sharp contrast between light and dark. The sunlight is very harsh and it makes the color almost white against his face and shoulder. The background is mostly black lacking detail. Another composition that fits is Figure to Ground. Because of its contrast and the amount of space that the subject takes within the frame against the background of the window, it creates a positive/negative space.

The subject, Red Jackson, was the leader of one of the Harlem gangs called Midtowners. Gordon Parks’ intent with the photographs was to reduce the feeling of threats/fears for residents of Harlem. He mentions that he also did want to affect the subject, by recounting their stories. His use of light and dark brings an almost anonymous feel to the subject. He could have gone straight to silhouette, but, we can see Red Jackson, looking out at the streets and pondering. The window line creates a separation from him and society. The broken window glass shows hints of violence and poverty.

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