Select a national magazine, TV Show or movie that uses portraits in its advertising. Find three to four examples that use a similar style. Put them in a gallery block on OpenLab and answer the following questions to describe the photographic style that is used for that brand.

Identify the lighting style used including the angle of view, lighting pattern: Rembrandt, split, butterfly light, broad or shot light. How much fill is used to brighten the shadows? How is a background light used to separate the subject from the background? What is the palette? How tight is the framing?What is the angle of view?

Then create your own photo for that entity following the style guides.

Put at least 20 photos in an album on Flickr from your shoot.

Add your single best to your openlab post with a short description of how you matched the style of the existing brand.

Category: HW 8 – Photographic Style



Mary Poppins

Game of Thrones

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before

