Professor Michals

Joshua Smith -Homework 8: Photographic Style

Identify the lighting style used including the angle of view, lighting pattern: Rembrandt, split, butterfly light, broad or shot light. How much fill is used to brighten the shadows? How is a background light used to separate the subject from the background? What is the palette? How tight is the framing?What is the angle of view?

  • Lighting Pattern: Butterfly Lighting
  • How much fill is used to brighten the shadows? – There is a soft fill to bring forward the shadows on the face
  • How is a background light used to separate the subject from the background? – The background light is pointing at the backdrop to create contrast between the subject and the background. It also helps that it gives emphasis to the highlights of the subject
  • What is the palette? – Gray to white colors
  • How tight is the framing? – Medium Close Up
  • What is the angle of view? – Eye-level

1 Comment

  1. rmichals

    Your first example is quite different than the others. It has much darker shadows and fits the frame much more tightly. But the other two despite being framed very differently are lit more or less the same.

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