Create a photograph for the lead article for each of these two websites.
The title of the article is, “7 tips for cooking with the onion family”

For each, make a photo that brings out the shapes and textures of the onions and garlic and looks visually engaging and appetizing.
Choose your subjects carefully. Note that odd numbers generally create more appealing compositions. Keep it simple but build in some visual interest.
Think carefully about the background.
Decide if you prefer side or back light.
Arrange your subjects using the basic rules of composition:
- off center placement
- rule of thirds
- consider the negative space
- use shallow depth of field for the 3/4 shot
- create a sense of space by having one subject close to the camera and another father away.
Post 20 photos to Flickr showing your process. Send your best for each website to the class group.
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