Due April 5. 12 noon. 30 photos in an album on Flickr. Send your best mirror and your best window to the class group.

“The two photographers characterize opposite modes of the new photography, with its divergence be tween those who believe that art is a mirror, reflecting a portrait of the artist who made it, and those who see it as a window, through which one may better know the world.” from the catalog for the show Mirrors and Windows, Moma, 1978, curated by John Szarkowski.

Is photography a means of self expression or is a way of reporting about the world?

Which is the better metaphor for photography: Is it a mirror or is it a window?

Take 15 photos that are mirrors – not literal mirrors but images that reflect something about you. These should be beautiful, maybe abstract and should make the viewer feel something. And please no actual mirrors.

Take 15 photos that report on the world. This could be an event (in which you are not a participant except as the photographer) or photographs that document a place – try a new place if you are taking this direction or 15 photos each of a different kind of tree. The photos should convey information but also be visually engaging.