Robin Michals | COMD 1340 Photography 1 DO97

Category: Assignment Instructions (Page 6 of 8)

Lab: Week 7 – Global Corrections

Make global adjustments on each of the three examples:

Rename the file with your name and a number and send them to me

Select one photo from the four selected by your group from your midterm project that you think will benefit most from adjustment in Lightroom. Using the Lightroom Workflow detailed on today’s class topics page, adjust your photo.

Make a post and include the before and after versions with a screen shot of the Lightroom settings you used and a short description of how you improved your photo.

Category: Global Corrections

Midterm Project

First set of photos due October 19th.

Complete project due October 26. 10 pts.

Portrait of a place-Select a park or playground near you. You will take photographs in the same location two weeks in a row. Photograph there at different times of day to capture the place and the people who use it in a series of 8 final photos.

  1. 40 photos in an album labeled Shoot 1 on Flickr due Oct 19th at 2:30pm:

Portrait of a Place-Shoot in your location at 2 different times of day and or in different weather. Your shots should cover a wide range of approaches: long shots to close ups, people including at least one person in motion, animals and plants. Each photo should use light and composition in compelling ways.

2. Second set of 40 Photos in an album labeled Shoot 2 on Flickr due Oct 26th at 2:30pm.

3. 8 final photos adjusted in Lightroom in an album labeled Midterm on Flickr due Oct 26th at 2:30pm.

4. A brief presentation to the class of your project on Oct 26th.

Week 6: Lab – Seasonal Change

Our first visit to the BBG was on the last day of summer. Now, it is three weeks into fall. The assignment is to capture seasonal change. Post a minimum of 30 photos to an album on Flickr and send your best two the class group.

If there is direct sunlight, shoot at least 10 photos in which the shadows are the main subject. Use exposure compensation to make the shadows as dark as they appear to your eye.

In some of the other photos, use shallow depth of field to isolate the subject from the background. Use a fast shutter speed to capture moving water in one of the garden’s fountains.

Use at least one of the following compositional principles in each photo: a frame within a frame, the rule of thirds, diagonals, leading lines, patterns, symmetry, and always think about the figure to ground relationships.

In other words, use everything we have discussed in class to make your photos as visually engaging as possible.

Lab: Week 5 – Exposure Challenges


Backlight is one of the most common challenges for the camera meter.

Take at least 10 photographs of your classmates of other subjects against the sky.

• Use negative exposure compensation to darken the subject to a silhouette.

• Use positive exposure compensation to brighten the subject and over expose the background.

Landscape/cityscape photos

The sky is much brighter than the ground. Take at lease so photos showing a range of location shots of DUMBO, the park, the skyline with and without the sky. When your composition includes the sky use positive exposure compensation to take a second shot in which the ground and the buildings are well exposed ie brighter and the sky itself is overexposed.

Note that if you are shooting with a rebel, these cameras often cannot hold the detail in the bright areas. Take some photos with the sky to experiment but also think about ways to frame your photos so there is no sky.

Post 10 backlit shots and 10 cityscape photos to an album on Flickr.

Send your best of each to the class group.

HW 5: Low and High Key

4 pts. Due Oct 12, 2:30 pm. Working outside on a sunny day, photograph low and high key versions of 15 different subjects for a total of 30 photos. the goal is to create two photos of the same subject that have different moods.

Find a a subject such as a plant or tree that has direct sunlight on part of it and is also partially in shade. Adjusting your exposure, take two different versions of this subject, one that is low key where dark tones predominate but there is something bright and one that is largely bright but where there is something in shadow.

Try to create two different moods just by changing the exposure.

Don’t try to do this on an overcast day. Check the weather and plan ahead.

If your only option is to do the assignment when the weather is overcast, then redo the lab exercise and work with exposure challenges. Photograph 2 exposures for 15 backlit subjects and landscapes or cityscapes with sky for a total of 30 photos.

Post your final 30 photos an album in Flickr. Send your best pair to the group.

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