For the next class
On April 16th, if you have a flash light bring it in. You can also use your phone but you might want to have a charger so you aren’t left with a dead phone for the rest of the day.
Review Portrait Lighting Styles

Photographer: Yousef Karsh

Photographer: Irving Penn

Photographer: Timothy Greenfield-Saunders

Photographer: Jill Greenberg
Mamadi Doumbouya
Focal Length
The focal length of a lens is defined as the distance in mm from the optical center of the lens to the the sensor when the lens is focused on infinity. This varies on the camera and the lens.
Focal length controls: Magnification and angle of view
Focal length is described as short, normal ie close to human vision, or long.
When working with a crop-frame sensor, approximately 65 mm will be the most flattering to your subject.
There are three basic types of lights (these are the physical lights not portrait lighting styles):
- The Main or Key Light-This light provides the brightest illumination and casts the shadows
2. The Fill Light-this light brightens the shadows. It can be a reflector or an actual light.
This video shows how to use a reflector as the fill light.
3. The Separation Light or Background Light-creates separation between the subject and the background. This light can be aimed at the background or it can be aimed at the subject. If the later, it would be called a hair light. If accenting the edge of the face or shoulders, this light would be called a rim light or a kicker.
3-point Lighting
– standard lighting for portraits, video and film, uses all three: a main light, a fill light and a background light.
Lab Exercise
Lab 10: Two and Three Light Portraits
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