For my final project, I plan to attend various events in New York, specifically night markets. These markets are places where people can celebrate and share diverse food, music, and other cultural activities found in NYC. My goal is to capture the lively atmosphere of these events as people enjoy the various activities happening throughout the night. I plan to take photographs of the performers, food vendors, and other visitors to showcase the vibrant culture of New York City. I will use different techniques such as shallow and extensive depth of field, blurred motion, and other earlier techniques to capture the essence of the event. I have already decided to attend two-night markets – the Queens Night Market in Flushing Meadows Park and the one at Industry City in Brooklyn. I am still deciding which other night markets to visit as there are a few more happening in May before my project is due. I will also be on the lookout for any other events that might pique my interest.

Night Markets is a good topic. Of the photos you show here I think the last one is the strongest. The light is on the woman’s face as she kneads the dough in an unusual way. Night markets will be a challenge in terms of light. Look for where the venues lights fall and use these lights to your advantage. The more you can highlight the culture-the different food traditions as well as the people- the more interesting it will be. Try to figure out what is unique whether that is ingredients or technique. and look for emotion. People having fun or interacting.