Short List for Final Exam is Posted! Plus Group Presentations on Tues 12/3

Photo of Japanese boy reading outdoors

Russell Lee, FSA photo of Japanese Boy Reading on a Farm, Idaho, 1942

This is a reminder that group presentations take place this Tuesday, December 3 in class. I’m excited to see your photographs! Reminder to please bring one copy of the Powerpoint to class and your group should upload one copy to Blackboard. In addition, every student should upload a reflection on Blackboard by midnight that shares your experience doing the project and what you thought of the photographer that you worked on.

Also, the short list for our Final Exam on Thursday December 19th is Posted!  Please look under slide lists under Class Downloads.

Final Terminology

The following are the terms for the terminology section (Part IV) of the final. In Part IV, you will be asked to choose 3 terms and write a few complete sentences defining the art movement and give an example of a work of art from that movement.

Russian Constructivism
Group f.64
Social Landscape
Pictures Generation

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