The Committee


Committee’s Task

Excerpt from Governance Plan

Article V Section D:

7) After the last council meeting of the academic year and before the organizational
meeting for the upcoming year each committee shall submit a written summary of
committee activities to the council secretary. These reports will be forwarded to the
chair of the committee on committees who will give it to the chair of the committee
for the following academic year.

12) Buildings and Grounds Committee

This committee shall be responsible for producing evaluations and making
recommendations to the council concerning the condition, improvements and safety
of the college proper and its environs. This committee shall be expected to provide
liaison between the faculty and the office of the vice president for administration and
finance. To further this goal, the buildings and grounds committee shall be
represented on all college-wide committees dealing with the planning and use of the
physical plant. Each academic year it shall produce an evaluative report on at least
one important area of its purview and submit this written report to college council.

Agenda & Meeting Notes







Committee Members 2019-2020

  1. Alemany, Marianno
  2. Bernard, Lucas
  3. Berri, Sidi
  4. Busby, Shermira
  5. Cooney, Cailean (secretary)
  6. Hellermann, Mark (chair)
  7. Malcolm, Calwayne
  8. McCullough, John
  9. Nyambu, Unurjargal
  10. Ozlek, Serdar (non-voting)
  11. Rozenblyum, Alexander
  12. Scotland, Michaela
  13. Standing, Sarah

Committee Members 2015-2016

  1. Berri, Sidi
  2. Biehl, MaryAnn
  3. Cheng, Jierong (secretary)
  4. Cioffi, Tony
  5. Ellis, Jason (non-voting)
  6. Ferrell, Monique
  7. Hillstrom, Jean
  8. Montgomery, Jason (chair)
  9. Polchinski, Robert
  10. Tobin, Tess

Committee Members 2014-2015

  1. Alcendor, Ralph
  2. Berri, Sidi
  3. Biehl, MaryAnn
  4. Cheng, Jierong (secretary)
  5. Cioffi, Tony
  6. Hillstrom, Jean
  7. Montgomery, Jason (chair)
  8. Polchinski, Robert
  9. Scott, Chip


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