Information Today

It’s very true that in today’s world, information flows extremely quickly and in heavy amounts. It can get overwhelming if you’re not the type of person who is able to quickly locate the particular piece of info you’re looking for, and easily organize and categorize it in a way thats easy to find and makes sense. My best source of info is clearly the internet, due to its easy access. Depending on the subject, forums and blogs are a good way to get information but its difficult to validate the credibility unless you compare it with other more credible sources. On my hard drive, I have everything super organized in a way that makes sense; folders within folders that are probably labeled and split accordingly. This helps me keep my professional work from my personal work so nothing get mixed up in the long run.

How I give and receieve information

Most of the information I send or receive is done so through electronic means. Whether its texting, emails, files, or through the internet. Its always one of those four ways. I prefer to use these methods of trafficking my information because they are nearly instantaneous and reliable. they are also not limited to certain areas and are easily accessible.

self intro

hello everyone, my name is mohammed alam. this is my 4th year in city tech although i don’t know how time went by so fast. i like this college because it is very diverse. i decided to go here because it falls in my 20 minute travel criteria. i am a computer information systems major and enjoy the classes that im taking throughout my time here. i don’t know if im going to pursue a career in it, but its always good to have the degree. i am looking forward to a great semester and this class seems fun and hands on.

Information: My Very Short Introduction

Many of you are preparing for careers in technology. As our reading discussed, we are in the midst of an information revolution. Take a few minutes to consider the following:

  • What is/how do you cope with the role of information in your life?
  • How do you prefer to receive information?
  • How do you prefer to transmit information?
  • What is the personal or professional significance of your preferences?

Take 10 minutes to write freely. Post your responses and categorize them as “info-intro.”