Keeping in mind the reading you did from Edward Tufte, here are some other helpful resources:
We Have Met the Enemy and He is PowerPoint
Prezi: a different presentation tool
Keeping in mind the reading you did from Edward Tufte, here are some other helpful resources:
We Have Met the Enemy and He is PowerPoint
Prezi: a different presentation tool
Today, we are going to do a mini-research project and present it to the class.
Working in groups, you are going to read the points of view presented in one of the New York Times “Room for Debate” series. Note: Because of page limit views, you might need to use a few different computers to access all the articles. Work together on that.
Before you start reading, brainstorm with your group. Make a list of the things you know and opinions you have about the topic already. This list might be long or it might be short. Publish a post here with your list and categorize it “debate”. Don’t forget an informative title that distinguishes your group from the others.
After that, read the opinion pieces about your topic. From that, you will create an annotated bibliography. Talk about each piece and come to a consensus about its main ideas. Add a post for that (don’t forget that title!).
Finally, discuss the overall effect that the opinions had on you. If you already had knowledge and opinions of the topic, did they reinforce, challenge, or change you ideas? What was the most persuasive argument? What was the most persuasive evidence? (And what is the difference between an argument and a piece of evidence in writing?) Do all the members of your group agree? How strongly do you feel? Make a final post summarizing your group’s conclusions. You will also present your findings orally (informally) to the class.
Breaking the Bias Against Women in Science
Information’s Environmental Cost
Please carefully read this for our class on October 17.
Excerpt from Edward Tufte’s “The Cognitive Style of PowerPoint”
Over the course of the semester, you will be working with a group to prepare a significant final project that will include several aspects. For your project, you should identify a problem on conflict within your community or intended profession. You will study the history and status of that issue and prepare a formal report and conclusions or recommendations you have drawn about the issue. You will present your findings through a web site and give a formal presentation including appropriate audio-visual components. We will break down the overall project into smaller steps and allow time for review and revision.
Your first task is to finalize a team of no more than four, brainstorm ideas, and commit to a topic. We will spend some time in class on Sept 19 doing this. You will be expected to update the class about your topic and why you chose it on Oct 3.
In class on Sept 19, we will review some of the conventions of scientific writing.
We’re going to use this guide to get us started and your homework will be to summarize this article.
Consider this quote from Carolyn R. Miller’s “A Humanistic Rationale for Technical Writing”:
“If the subject matter of science (bits of reality, inartistic proofs) exists independently, the scientist’s duty is but to observe clearly and transmit faithfully. The whole idea of invention is heresy to positivist science–science does not invent, it discovers. Form and style become techniques for increasingly accurate transmission of logical processes or of sensory observations; consequently, we teach recipes for the description of mechanism, the description of process, classification, and interpretation. … If we take this approach to form and style very seriously, there is not very much to teach in a technical writing class.”
On Sept 19, we are going to look at Stephen Jay Gould’s classic article “Size and Shape” together in class, along with an excerpt from Natalie Angier’s book The Canon. We are going to compare and contrast it with some examples of muddled and jargon-laden writing. We will consider how science and technical writing employ rhetoric and style to communicate and make an impression on readers.
We will also consider What Is Writing?
Hi Everyone,
Please categorize your business letters under “letters” when you post.
If you’d like them to be embedded rather than displayed within a post (see the syllabus for an example of what I mean, if you aren’t sure–the syllabus is embedded) then you can try using Scribd.
Thank you!
Let’s talk about these criteria. What do you look for in a presentation? What do you want to hear?
Here’s the Purdue OWL page on business letters. You should cross-reference this with Reep when you prepare your letters.