Mohamed D

B6CD4226-1789-4BB5-B32B-7AA190845DEB  Downtown Harlem the neighborhood where I live and the blocks range from 111st to W 116 st. It’s examined as dangerous to the precinct. Over policing is pretty real for the Black people in my community and I live on 116 st it gets out of line with the Africans too. More specifically when the evening comes around that’s when undercover cops are patrolling in their cars. The neighborhood proved the critics correct once again somebody getting shot at this past Saturday after a party. I feel this incident was tied into a shooting late last year that in the ended with on my friends dead at the end of the night, but the people that killed him that night got away from the scene arrest free and my community is being over policed. You must believe me the dishes provided by the African reasturants on 116 st are filled with flavor. The restaurant I would recommend to anyone is called “Le Baobab”, and the dish I recommend is called Dibi and Loko.


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