Jacquelyn Blain | T-Th 11:30-12:45 | SP20221

Introduction – Nastassia Molicheva

Hello everyone! My name is Nastassia and I’m an immigrant from Belarus living in Staten Island. I major in Communication Design, and love UX, yoga, traveling and reading.

I found the assigned readings very helpful – wish I had this advice in March 2020, when we all were just starting to transition to online. I’m not exceptionally good at writing, so the article about discussions was the most supportive and provided plentiful insight in how these types of posts should be composed.

As for venting, I REALLY love to travel, so this past year has been challenging. I wanted to go see my friends and family in Europe, but wasn’t able to – borders closing and job loss aren’t so helpful for that. However, I did luck out and was able to go to Miami for a week right before the pandemic/quarantine was announced. Here’s to hoping 2021 will bring some of our plans and goals back! Were any of you guys planning any trips that got cancelled in 2020? I want to hear all about it!

Overall, I just hope all of us will have a chill, stress-less and productive semester.

Here’s the three pictures I have chosen (not one, I know =)

Miami in March
My dog Marley, whom I’ve adopted in the end of September, and who is almost the only reason I ever go out of my apartment.
Influenced by Professor Blain – something that I’m currently bingeing. Guesses, anyone?


  1. Rodrigo A Vega

    The third image is from CSI, I am not sure which specific tv series.

  2. Jacquelyn Blain

    Okay, what? I don’t know why you’re bingeing NCIS, but I have to tell you that I worked with David McCallum (Ducky) nearly 25 years ago when I was writing on a TV series, and he’s a wonderful man. Otherwise… hints? 🙂

    Marley is adorable! What would we do without our animals?

    I love to travel, too, and I agree — this has been really hard on us with the traveling bug. btw, you write really well.

    • Nastassia Molicheva

      My partner introduced me to NCIS last year – I’ve never heard of it and he watched it growing up. At first, I found it a bit dated and cringe-y, but after a few episodes, I’ve become the biggest fan. Watching it after dinner has become a daily routine of ours!

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