Most people think that the principal problem is that writers are too proud of
what they have written. Actually, a greater problem for most professional writers is
one shared by the majority of students. They are overly critical, think everything is
dreadful, tear up page after page, never complete a draft, see the task as hopeless.

Throughout the course, some of the assignments we’ve been tasked to do have given me plenty of opportunities to be creative and write down pretty much anything I want or create anything I want with little to no restrictions.  Along with such freedom, I’ve managed to come up with many things to write about. However, the only thing that I would like to talk about would not be the many things I’ve actually have done but rather what I didn’t. As for the works I’ve done for this course this semester, I felt like most of it has been rather… low effort, nothing I can really say I’m really proud of. Instead, the works I’ve done, such as all the things I could think of but cannot put into words. All the different thoughts and ideas that I came up with but all ultimately gave up on. Thinking overly critical can end up leaving the writer be to indecisive. While it is something that can be seen as a downside to writing, it also expands one’s mind to think of different things and be as creative as they want. Thinking overly critical is something I see as having imagination and thinking of all the options and opportunities that you can. Even if you end up with many things to consider, I feel like indecisiveness is something that is not directly linked to critical thinking. this part from The Maker’s Eye is something I feel like would describe a bit of my work and thinking process along the way through the course but at the same time, it’s also something that would explain how I did everything in a flawed way.