This semester truly was one of the best semester i’ve ever had. There are so many things that i’ve learned throughout the semester . At the beginning of the semester there were so many things I didn’t even know about. I’m grateful that I had a wonderful professor who taught me new things with care. It enabled me to learn all the new materials and put it to work. This class is very fun and simple but there was also some difficulties. I have struggled with unit2 rhetorical analysis. My professor helped me understand what rhetorical analysis is. She left feedback after I posted my work, it was really helpful to me.  From the beginning of the semester till now I’ve improved a lot, I had the privilege to learn so many things in this class such as; literacy narrative , rhetorical analysis, genre, research etc. I think even if I’m learning new things still I have to make sure I improve more and become better than at the beginning of the semester. This term was truly awesome specially this class I loved everything I did in this class so far despite all the challenges and difficulties. This class helped me a lot to become a better writer.