Jacquelyn Blain


I knew a decent amount of information about my topic before I started it. the way I used to research things in the past is totally different now because now i dig deeper when Im researching a topic to get more information, before I used to just run with the first piece of information I see that supports my topic. Researching this way I learned how to thoroughly dissect the source to make sure it supports my topic. As a researcher I learned that I’m really good at quoting and explaining them to the best of may ability so that whoever is reading can understand without issue. to be very honest I didn’t really learn anything about analyzing something rhetorically and I don’t think rhetorical analysis is something I would use in the future because I just don’t think its a necessity. While doing the annotated bibliography the only issue I had was finding quotes that support my topic but it was quickly resolved because eventually I got some really good quotes. I feel like I ended up with a good annotated bibliography even though I know it might need some work I feel like I did a pretty good job for my first attempt.

1 Comment

  1. Jacquelyn Blain

    We actually practice rhetorical analysis every single day! If you’ve ever shrugged your shoulders at something a friend said instead of getting angry, and said something like “eh, that’s just him,” you’ve done rhetorical analysis because you acted based on what you knew about the author (your friend) and the situation (context). Of if you’ve just done an assignment because “that’s the way the instructor wants it and they’re really tough on things,” you’ve also done rhetorical analysis. It’s honestly something we do and aren’t aware of, and now you’re aware of it! Formal RA is a pain, I agree, but the process is simply a part of who we are and how we react to the world. But these are good insights!

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