In my final portfolio, I am planning on working on unit 1, and 3 assignments because I feel that all those two can have a little more to them. For Unit 1, my personal narrative was the project I had the most fun creating. I love writing and expressing my feelings and thoughts on paper so considering unit 1 has all of those things combined, I would like to revise it and fix or add somethings to it to make it better. For Unit 3, I feel like the audio can be a little more creative. I feel like the audio I uploaded was a little plain and could use maybe like some music in the background and some cuts here and there. The audio it self was perfect. I feel like me and my friend that I did the podcast with covered the most important topics and that we were ourselves the whole time. I will not be including unit 2 though into my final portfolio because i didn’t really like writing about research. One thing I’ve never really been good at is writing a paper on something that I have to research. I tend to get stressed out and never know what exactly to research or how to play it out on paper where as in Unit 1, I could just freestyle and lay everything down on paper and then do some fixes later on when i’m finished writing it. In Unit 2, I kind of just laid out what I could find and try my best to put it into words and also tried finding the right research to go with what I was writing.
ENG 1101 is about you getting more comfortable with your own process. You’ll look at tools and ideas about how language is used to communicate and persuade and even exclude. And you’ll be introduced to concepts like transfer, genre, and metacognition.
I’m Jackie Blain, and you can find me on our Slack workspace or via email
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