The Savage’s Last experience in the World State

It’s crazy that I finished reading this book already. It was an unusually book to read, I wouldn’t have guessed I would have read a book like this one. Reading the last chapters were good. I felt as if our main character which was Bernard is not the main character anymore, now I feel that John is the main character. Some things occurred, and I honestly didn’t expect the ending to be the way it did. Throughout the last chapters we saw the death of Linda, Johns reactions to it,the experience John had before he also killed himself.

As I was saying before, the main character ended up being John. This whole time I expected Bernard to be the one mainly getting focused on but, by the end of the book, Bernard ended up being another simple side character. And all the attention was given to John. and it all started when his Mother was dying slowly . We see that As soon as John received the news that his mother was about to die he went to the hospital. In this scenery, they show us the way a person from the savage reservation acts and the way a individual from the world state acts. “Oh, look,look!” ‘They spoke in low, scared voices.’ “Whatever is the matter with her? Why is she so fat? (Huxley, 183)” for us this would be really rude, for a kid to walk up to a person that is about to die and start asking random question of her appearance. But in this book, this is normal and of course John being all sad and for him to hear this from a child, he’s going to get angry and because of this I guess he hit a child and The nurse got mad at him. “The Savage’s voice was trembling with indignation. ‘What are these filthy brats doing here at all? It’s disgraceful’ (Huxley, 184)” this was what John told her and instead of trying to quietly take the kids away she started arguing to him that he was interfering with their conditioning. “They’re being death-conditioned (Huxley, 187) meaning they were Showing the children at young age that Death wasn’t a sad thing, but a non emotional thing. But when they saw the way John got when he noticed Linda wasn’t responding to him, he reacted hysterically and started weeping his mothers death. “The nurse stood irresolute, looking now at the kneeling figure by the bed ( the scandalous exhibition!) and now (poor children!) at the twins who had stopped their hunting of the zipper and were staring from the other end of the ward, (Huxley, 187) ” the nurse instead of understanding the reacting John ahead taken , she felt bad for the children that had witness this.

Before Linda died there was a sort of fight going on between John and Linda, ” Her lips moved. ‘Pope’ she whispered again, and it was as though he had had a pailful of ordure thrown in his face. (Huxley, 185)” this was really sad. It gave me pity for John, not only was he the only one there for Linda, but She didn’t even notice it he was. He got angry at this because out of all people, the only name she kept repeating was Pope’s name. But when she noticed who he really was, it was too late She had passed away.  After this John got even more bad news, Bernard and Helmhontz where being send to two different islands , and when he wanted to go as well, the controller denied it, and told him he wanted to continue with the “experiment”. Now it seemed as if everything close to John was slipping out of his hands slowly. He decided to isolate himself and for some reason, he felt as he wasn’t wordy of living, as the author said : “but who was he to be pampered  with daily and hourly sight of loveliness? Who was he to be living in the visible presence of God? All he deserved to live in was some filthy sty, some blind hole in the ground. (Huxley, 219)” he later started to whip himself and some reporters started to asked him why he did it, he didn’t want anyone near him , and later one it got worse, more people decided to come and asked for the whip. And what happens later one is that it’s turns into a whole orgy-porgy thing and many saw this as a fun thing to do, but John was doing it to punish himself and the others turned it into this whole other thing. The next day….. He wasn’t happy with what was left in his mind and he hanged himself up. Such tragedy to see what happen to this innocent and curious guy. There were other points throughout the chapters but I felt these were points I got more Intrigued by.

The Savage Unleashed !

The ending of Brave New Worlds didn’t meet my expectation. I actually thought there was going to be more to the story. Aldous Huxley opens up chapter 14 with the leading of Linda death. In which John was sad and furious. Sad because his mother was dying and furious at the same time because of group of khaki twins were making fun of his mom while she was laying in bed dying. ” What ever is the matter with her? Why is she so fat?” Pg 183 said the twins. They made these rude comments because they have never seen a women in the condition she’s in. She was old , taut skinned and not like one of them. But John was also upset for the fact that his mother kept calling him Pope. Which made him mad because how could his own mother not recognize her own son. But the sad ending of chapter 14 was the death of linda in which i believe she died of all the soma she had taken.

In the state of mind that John was in he was upset and had run into two Delta twins who were about to take soma. ” Listen, I Beg of you , Lend Me Your Ears,  Don’t take that horrible stuff its Poison, its Poison”  Pg 192 John tries his best to explain to the twins that soma doesn’t allow them to be themselves. He felt that his mother linda was a slave to the soma, and he felt that his duty was to make others feel freedom by making them to refuse taking the soma. By doing this John causes a fight in where Bernard and Helmholtz rush to help john and i believe end up getting arrested . But One thing that amazed me about the fight was that the policeman sprayed soma vapour into the air with machines so that the others listening to john rebel about the soma would forget about it . This just shows me how control the society really is. Its like they have a game plan for almost everything that goes down.

I have to say from chapter 16-17 the story just dropped. I barely understood what was doing on. I under stood that John, Bernard And Helmholtz were taken to Mustapha Mond , who was the Resident world controller for the Western Europe. John was shocked and fascinated the Mond had read Shakespeare. Its like they both had the same idea . but were pursuing it differently. John wanted freedom for every one and insisted why weren’t others allowed to read old things. Mond explains by saying ” Beauty’s Attractive , and we don’t want people to be attracted to old things.” Pg 198 In Which Mond felt like if people were all equal the society wouldn’t function and have the same order it has now. I Remember reading and John tells Mond why doesn’t he make every one an Alpha . Mond explains that Alphas would eventually bump head together. Each one would want to control. In which that case there would be no order. Then there was this whole talk about Religion and why the world state didn’t want to believe in god and Mond response was the same because it was old. I knew he still believed in it because he pulled out a bible to john explaining to him that he was had the same idea of freedom. After all this Mond decides to vanish all 3 from the world state but he actually tells john that he’s doing them a favor by placing them into a different society.

The ending of this story was not as i expected . i expected john to go back and fight try to change the world state in a way he pictured freedom. For himself and for his mother. But John completely isolates himself by moving into a light house. i really didn’t understand why john whipped himself and why others would want him to wipe them. i was so unclear with that part . But later on i read that John ended up in an orgy porgy. which was something he wasn’t into to he didn’t believe in that he went by Shakespeare way of love. ”  Oh my god , my god ” Pg 230 shocked by what had just happened john was found by the first arrivals ” Further side of the room they could see the bottom of the staircase that led up to the higher floors ; under the crowns of the arch dangled a pair of feet.” Pg 231 John had hanged himself. which was the worst ending ever.

Mustapha Mond, History and Society

The ending of this story did not leave me very satisfied, there were a couple of parts which confused me which I had to read more than once especially everything John went through and the last two chapters. Although I finally found answers to the few lingering questions I had picked up while reading the book, such as the rumors of Mustapha Mond having a room which contained historical artifacts.

Early on in the book we are told of rumors that Mustapha Mond possibly having a room which contained prohibited material from the past such as bibles and other literature, yet it was rumor which is never entirely verified or rejected. My question was finally answered on chapters 16 and 17 “room and was unlocking a large safe set into the wall between the bookshelves” (Huxley 206); “A whole collection of pornographic old books. God in the safe and Ford on the shelves” (Huxley 207). These quotes proved the rumors to be true of Mond having a collection of old books just for his own amusement and pleasure. From this point Mond and John The Savage begin to connect in a more intimate level, they share a love of old literature such as Shakespeare and both agree his work to be exceptional. Mond agreed his approval of Shakespeare explicitly “Of course it is, the Controller agreed [Othello]”, when John said that Othello was better than the feelies. This not only shows Mond’s respect towards old literature but also we see a small internal conflict which he creates and approves the rules which society follows such as the prohibition of novel ideas such as the paper sent to him for approval on the middle of page 162. Yet he internally admires and is intrigued by the past and its literature and there was also a part in which he himself has issues on approving and disapproving laws and concepts which will be handed to the citizens.

Through these chapters we also learn a lot more about Mond’s personal life such as what are the responsibilities as a controller in the World Sate, and evens Mond’s desire to go to the island and live with the people who had a sense of individuality. This desire he has goes against a major rule in society which was against solitude and free thinking. This made me think of Mond as a hypocrite since he has the responsibility to make the rules and as his title states, control society yet he has an internal desire of being different and having the freedom to do as he wants and this was shown on the third paragraph on page 204 where Mond explains why being on the island was good.

Questions about how society is controlled and very restricted the reasons for which citizens do not know or taught of old literature or history. Historical items are not released to the public due to the fear of it destabilizing the society which has been built to go against all the norms and issues faced in the past such as civil wars and uproars “Every change is a menace to stability…even science must sometimes be treated as a possible enemy.” (Huxley 202). As it was mentioned right from the first sentence in the first chapter “World States motto, Community, Identity, Stability” (Huxley 15) so anything affecting stability is a huge problem, such as the mention of God or even Shakespeare’s work. “Knowledge was the highest good, truth the supreme value; all the rest was secondary and subordinate” (Huxley 205) also shows how at one point everything was completely different to what the society followed now.


As we finally reach the last few chapters 14- 18 of the end of the book “Brave New World” I am stuck with the question of whether pride and belief is really worth it sometimes. Its a concept in which I know everyone values but to the extent in which john actually commits suicide I think would be a little too much (page 234). As much as I liked how he didn’t just give into desire it made me feel like hes a bit extreme with the inner conflict he has from traveling from two different worlds which is the reservation and world state. I felt he held onto his values too much although it is understandable when it came to Lenina and soma.

With 18 the final Chapter we see how much john really struggles where hes actually at the point of being driven almost mental and even self abuse by locking himself in a secluded lighthouse and whipping himself (page 227). This chapter gave me alot of mixed feelings of the kind of extremist john is. As much as it is understood he did not like nor understood the values of world state I think there could have been better options for him. and his lust and desire for Lenina made it almost impossible for him to think right. I felt like his values were too righteousness when it came to her. Although I highly respect him in the sense whee is able to hold on to his vales where most would have just did it like Bernard even though he would tell himself no.

I feel John’s biggest conflict with him self was with the loss of Linda he realized that he didn’t really have no one else to turn to even though we know she wasn’t much of a mother to him. But one thing we knew was john still love her very much especially when she dies in chapter 14 (page 182).

As much as it contradicts the idea of why world state is bad it in a sense did prove relationships and attachments are bad because in the end it was attachments which led to the dead of john he couldn’t handle the way things were turning and it made him feel horrible so he killed himself. But if tables were turned in the world state of mind John would have lived. he would have just done everything and had no pain and went on with it. he would have had no attachments to anyone then again we would know there would have been no story. But in a sense the world states theory would have worked because it would have caused john to have no pain or all the confusion with desire for Lenina.

This book was still very confusing till the end although it did take a few tries to understand with all the new vocabularies it did turn out to be a spectacular story. It showed many possibilities of what different societies could view each other just because of differences and what one considered savage might actually be normal towards another.

Bernards True Self

The final chapters of Brave New World were interesting, except the last chapter, which left me wondering why Huxley didn’t give more closure concerning the characters. Bernard and the Controller were the characters that stood out the most to me.

Bernard is already known as the outcast of his society, but throughout the chapters he keeps going back and forth between wanting to be accepted, and wanting nothing to do with their way of life. When John was throwing away the peoples soma and got into a fight, Bernard was torn on whether he should help him or not. “…thought better of it and halted; then, ashamed, stepped forward again” (193). Bernard does not know where he belongs concerning his place in society, and is continually torn on this subject. However, by the end of the book, Bernard’s true colors are shown. When him, John and Helmholtz are in the Controllers office about the incident, Bernard turns on them and begs to be taken back.      ” ‘You cant send me. I haven’t done anything. It was the others’…He pointed accusingly to Helmholtz and the Savage” (203). Bernard wants to be accepted and will do anything to prevent himself from being sent away.

Johns end was a surprising twist for me. I wasn’t expecting him to commit suicide. I thought he was going to make it through, but the ways of the World State were too much for him. Their way of life was too different from what he grew up in, and it soon broke him down. He desperately wanted someone to understand and tried to help the others who basically relied on drugs to make them ‘happy’.  When John was throwing away the people’s soma I actually imagined that Bernard could have been the one in his place. In earlier chapters, Bernard refuses to take soma and tries to convince Lenina as well. I thought Bernard’s character would develop into something more, as I had thought Bernard would be the one to try and change society. However, in the end all he did was talk and refused to take action. He was never going to do anything, but I had been convinced that he would.

What surprised me the most was the understanding the Controller had about their situation. I expected someone in his position to be the most rigid out of everyone in their society. He is a Controller, therefore he is supposed to believe and uphold their ways more than anyone else. However, his conversation with John and Helmholtz prove that he himself has questioned the ways of the World State. He too wanted to change it but it was impossible. He admits he isn’t happy. Something everyone in the society is convinced that they are. ” ‘That’s how I paid. By choosing to serve happiness. Other people’s – not mine’ ” (205). The Controller has just done something that is unheard of in their society. Admit he isn’t happy. In a world were people are trained to love what they have to do and are given whatever else they want to assure their ‘happiness’, the Controller has just gone against everything. Brave New World was an interesting read, but the last chapter left me wanting more on the characters and their fate, especially John.

Mixed thoughts.

After reading Brave New World, I am surprised, confused and disappointed. The ending was not at all how I expected it to be. In the beginning chapters of the story, I thought Bernard was the protagonist. He was different from everyone and I thought he was going to rebel from the World State and be the “hero” by the end of the book but that was not the case. I then continued reading and from the middle chapters, I saw that Bernard’s character was changing. He was starting to act like everyone else around him, he was following the rules of the World State like acting promiscuously and he started taking soma. All these thoughts I had about Bernard really disappointed me, especially when reading chapter fifteen.

In chapter fifteen, we learn that Linda dies and John turns the hospital into complete chaos. John begins screaming, he punches people in their faces and even throws out the supply of soma out of the window. All the people couldn’t believe what John was doing. Bernard says “he’s mad, they’ll kill him. Ford help him!” (pg 193) John shouted “free, free” “men at last!” “you’re free!” (pg 193) while he was throwing out the soma.  I was happy that John was doing this because I felt like he was giving everyone a reality check, which they didn’t understand. He was trying to show them that soma is not everything in life, he thinks soma is like poison. All these people are so caught up in following what’s “right and wrong” in life, that I think they’re not even really living a life because they are all already “predestined” and everything they’re supposed to do is already laid out for them to do like taking soma, participating in orgies, believing in “Ford” and being promiscuous.

I was really disappointed with Bernard on page 193. John was supposed to be Bernard’s friend, he brought back John and Linda to the World State and brought them to the Director. I knew that Bernard did this for revenge on the Director, but I also thought that Bernard actually somewhat cared for John and Linda? In previous readings we found out that Bernard was only using them both for his own purposes, to gain popularity.

I wanted to think that Bernard would have turned out differently by the end of the story. I truly thought Bernard was going to be a leader, but in reality he is actually just like everyone else, a follower. From pages 193-194 Bernard has an internal conflict where he is watching all this chaos in the hospital go on and how John is acting and he thinks of helping the others and he is “urged by a sudden impulse, ran forward to help them; then thought better of it and halted; then, ashamed, stepped forward again then again thought better of it and was standing in an agony of humiliated indecision” (pg 193) He starts thinking about how John is going crazy and taking all his built up emotions and anger out on the other people. I thought Bernard was going to step in and be a man and help the others and after going back and forth with what to do,  but he just decides to play the victim.

Although, I wanted Bernard to be the hero, I liked how Huxley changed up the story. It would be too predictable for Bernard to be the hero and the ending was definitely unexpected. I think this made the ending of the story more interesting, then how it may have been with Bernard being the hero, like a “happy ever after” I think that would have been boring.

I finished reading with the question.. What happened to Lenina?

Something I learned in sociology class was Karl Marx’s Conflict View of Social Change. This concept was “conflict is progress and progress is conflict” this concept reminded me of Brave New World.  Bernard and John both brought conflict to the World State, Bernard was unlike the others in his caste system, Alpha Plus and at first he didn’t live the way he was supposed to, which caused conflict. Bernard brought John to the World State, which also caused conflict. When there was an attempt at progress, there were more conflicts that followed.


Society’s toll on a person

The final chapters of Brave New World, seem to me as if they wrap up the story perfectly. The author could have easily left John to be on his own and live out his life in peace, but that would have not been true to the underlying view of how society is. This book was never a fairy tale with a happy ending.

“Slowly, very slowly, like two unhurried compass needles, the feet turned towards the right; north, north-east, east, south-east, south, south-south-west; then paused, and after a few seconds, turned as unhurriedly back towards the left. South-south-west, south, south-east, east..” (BNW 231)

I think this is the only way the book could have ended. The way the society was structured in the book, there was no hope for change. John attempted multiple times to change things, and even when not in the midst of the society, he was still badgered and harassed. The people in the book, due to their conditioning would never have been able to let down what John was doing, even if he hadn’t chosen to commit suicide. The persistence due to their conditioning would have continued to lead on-lookers to where John was and with that he would never have found his peace.

I think this is also a prime example off how society can push someone to the point of breaking. There are always situations to be heard of, how someone is bullied or misunderstood, and unfortunately some believe that the only way out is through taking ones life. People tend to be ruthless, especially when motivated by mob  mentality, and with their conditioning as in the book, there would have been no shot at change and understanding of how John wanted to live out the rest of his days.

I actually have read this book in highschool, but barely remember any of it. At the time it seemed unappealing and I can say I was without a doubt unappreciative of it. Now, a few years later, I can say I definitely enjoyed the book and was able to understand it more. I believe it was a fitting ending.

John is the hero on the novel.

In the end of the book we see that although John is the hero of the novel and the man who craves real human connection, he is not immune from the indoctrination. When the Linda, his mother, was not recognizing him,- “Anger suddenly boiled up in him. Balked for the second time, the passion of his grief had found another outlet, was transformed into a passion of agonized rage”(Huxley, page185), he shacked his mother. The author shows that John is the one, who has a real emotion in this World State and don’t lose  family  connection.

The dialog between John and Mustapha Mond shows contrast t two world visions as civilization society  and old fashion society. The art reference are used in a way to show who is really socially conditional and who is not. The characters who understand and can relate to the human complexity in the characters are ones who are resisting the system.”You’ve got to choose between happiness and what people used to call high art. We’ve sacrificed the high art.We have the fee lies and the scent organ instead” (Huxley, page 199). Also, the reader learns that is no” God” in civilization world. The Controller is a new God, who has complete control over everyone, manipulate its people psychology and erasure individuality. “You must make your choice (Huxley, page 210). John is a danger, he is rebel again civilization society.  The Controller understand  that Johns’ individuality can make people questions and it can be dangerous in the future. “But chastity means passion, chastity means neurasthenia. And passion and neurasthenia mean instability. And instability means the end of civilization” (Huxley, page 212). Unfortunately, there is no place for John in civilization society.

John is becoming the savage that society has ridiculed him for being. I think that he is showing that there are two choices, compliance or animalistic savagery. Both lifestyles are lies but John can’t help but to pick one side. I think that Huxley does this as a way to show that no one is immune from the cultural ideas that have been reinforced throughout one’s life.

In the end of the book  John made his choice  to “be alone”.  John is the protagonist. He is individual in the way that has different values about family unit and religion.  ” But I don’t want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness, I want sin” (Huxley, page 215).  He killed himself in the end of the book, society make him to kill himself. It can be read as society inhumanity. John made the choice to be individual in his own way and society punished him who dissent.  He is the hero of the New Brave World.  Huxley shows cruelty of this World State and warning the reader that can happened in the future.





undesirable ending.

This week we reach the end of Brave New World.The last chapter in particular left me feeling that I usually get when I leave my chemistry class, what just happened? A lot of confusion in the last chapter.The two chapters proceeding the last one ties everything up very neatly and a lot, if not all, the answers about the civilized society were answered. Then that’s it, those are all the answers you get.

We don’t get answers as to what happen to the characters we have been following for so long. Sure they tell us that Bernard and Hemholtz are basically exiled to different islands but what happens to them once they get there? Are they coping with it? Are they better off on their perspective islands than they were in civilized society?

There’s one question that burns inside me about these islands full of exiled people. The controller says “If he had the smallest sense he’d understand that this punishment is really a reward. He’s being sent to an island. That’s to say, he’s being sent to a place where he’ll meet the most interesting set of men and women to be found anywhere in the world. All of the people who, for one reason or another, have got too self consciously individual to fit into community life. All the people who aren’t satisfied with orthodoxy. who’ve got independent ideas of their own. Every one, in a word who’s anyone” (Huxley page 204).

If these people are so against the grain why don’t they rebel against the world state? Since they are so unorthodox and they see the cracks in the system of the world state why don’t they expose these cracks and make a better society? Or is because they are so content with their current environment and they are surrounded by people of their own stature they that feel at home, at peace? That they finally feel accepted and are happy with the way their lives turned out? I wish we could have got more answers on the residents of these islands.

I’m more curious than anything as to what happened to Lennina? Was she the girl that John beat with the whip? ” “Strumpet!” The savage had rushed at her like a madman. “Fitchew!” Like a madman, he was slashing at her with the whip of small cords” ( Huxley page 229). Was this Lenina? I feel like she is the only female that would enrage John so bad that he would want cause physical harm to her. And Lennia was always around Henry Foster, so I think it would be safe to assume that this was Lennina who John beat with the whip. Did she die? After the beating did Lennina die? Another question that was left unanswered.

Finally, John’s suicide. I understand why he had to die but why would the controller set him up like that? The Controller is a very intelligent person, he knew John couldn’t last in civilized society, so instead of granting him permission to be exiled like Bernard and Hemholtz he condemned him to this life of misery in this civilized world. The controller knew John was like a square peg trying to fit in a circular spot. He knew it wouldn’t last long or end pretty so that’s why I feel as if John was set up.

Very disappointing end to a very strange story.

Plot Twist…

What a turn to the story!  The last couple of chapters of Brave New World lead us to a plot twist.  I believed that the story would end in the change of civilization.  When John, Bernard, Helmholtz, and Mustapha Mond were conversing after John’s outburst about how Mond believed in what John believed, I thought there was going to be a happy ending.  But, in all reality, the ending of this story was pretty sad.  The story of Brave New World ends in John’s downfall, which baffles me because I believed that out of all of the characters in this story, John was the strongest.  After seeing Bernard’s change, I thought that John would be the one to change society and get through to The Controllers.  When John escaped to the lighthouse, I though he would be a happier person, maybe find the woman he wanted and go against civilization and conceive a child.  I even had hope of him running into Lenina and them living happily ever after.  But I was wrong, John ended up taking his own life, not being able to bear the chaotic scene that occurred at the light house with the whipping of Lenina, and the crowd of people, and the helicopters.

In chapters 14-18 we learn a lot about the characters of Brave New World.  We find out that Bernard is a coward, especially in the chapter where John, Helmholtz and himself were taken to Mustapha Mond after John went completely insane at the Park lane Hospital for the Dying.  To me, John was never fully sane, maybe this is because of his upbringing at the reservation.  Once his mother died, he became even crazier.  His anger elevated.  The simplest things would tick him off.  For example, when John was at the Park lane Hospital of the dying, before his mother passed away, he attacked the nurse.  He also pushed toddlers around and while explaining to the people of London that they are not truly free, he threw a fit and ended up starting a riot between the classes.

John hit the fan when he escaped to the lighthouse.  He used mustard and hot water to turn his insides and make himself sick.  He also whipped himself.  Chapter 18 states “Three Delta-Minus workers from one of the Puttenham Bokanovsky Groups happened to be driving to El-stead and, at the top of the hill, were astonished to see a young man standing outside the abandoned lighthouse stripped to the waist and hitting himself with a whip of knotted cords.”  After this event, John began to receive visits from reporters.  He also threw himself into a bush of thorns to get the image of Lenina out of his head.  Chapter 18 states “At the edge of the heath stood a clump of hoary juniper bushes.  He flung himself against them, he embraced, not the smooth body of his desires, but an armful of green spikes.”  John must have had a high tolerance of pain.  You would think one would pass out from all of this self torture or at least stop hurting themselves.  This also proves the insanity of John.

The whipping incident was the beginning to John’s downfall.  And in the end John ended up hanging himself from all the terrorization he was receiving from “the outsiders.”  If he continued living the way he was, he most likely would have been brought back to the London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre and be put under the eyes of everyone like an animal in a cage.