Olando Alexis – How would You Rebuild A Gothic Church?

After the unexpected and horrible fire of Paris’s Cathedral of Notre Dame on April 15th 2019, there has been an ongoing argument on how the destroyed cathedral should be rebuilt. Also, after reading the the article and hearing opinions on both sides, I honestly believe that the cathedral should be rebuilt back to its original form. Since the original way the building was built would probably be hard or difficult to replicate, I believe that they should try to replicate the important aspects of it such as the roof and the walls. I also believe that they should also insert some modern construction so that the building could be stronger and be able to handle or prevent disasters such as another fire.

Fareez Mohammed – How Would You Rebuild A Gothic Church?

Based on the article “How would you rebuild a Gothic Church” I believe the Notre Dame should be redesigned with a modern look. The cathedral has countless rib vaults throughout the church. If rebuilt using a more modern style the church’s rib vaults should have a sleeker construct. The church should incorporate various Neo-Gothic elements to have a similar appearance to the past. The flying buttress should remain as a structural support of the building. The building material should consist of the same materials that were first used to make the building. However, stronger materials should be incorporated to protect the church from catastrophes such as earthquakes, fires, and water damage.

Anjie S: How Would You Rebuild a Gothic Church?

In my opinion, The Cathedral of Notre Dame should be rebuilt in the same gothic style that it was originally in before being destroyed by a tragic fire. As the saying goes “old is gold,” the original design is a classic. Truly iconic. The cathedral is known for its rib vaulting, flying buttresses and beautifully stained glass windows – all of which are characteristics of a gothic church. Of course the rebuilt church won’t look entirely identical to the original because of material and other elements, however, as Karl Garzuel said, it can be rebuilt without tainting the character of the building.

Sabiha Begum – How Would You Rebuild A Gothic Church?

Based on the reading and my research, I believe that the French should rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral with the incorporation of modern architecture and technology. After the fire, the Notre Dame is still in danger of collapsing,  therefore some parts of the architecture need to be modernized while keeping is Gothic features as much as possible. With the architectural knowledge and technology available these days, the Notre Dame can be rebuilt with better materials that will be able to withstand any other type of casualty in the future.

Kate Chand – How Would You Rebuild A Gothic Church?

After the destructive fire of Paris’s Cathedral of Notre Dame on April 15th 2019, there has been much controversy about the reconstruction of the roof of the Cathedral that has been destroyed. The debate is between restoring the Cathedral to it’s original form or rebuilding it in a more modern day style. I personally believe that the Cathedral’s roof should be rebuilt to it’s gothic style theme with a little modern touch but must be approved by the French government and it’s population. I think that the Cathedral is apart of France’s history, culture, and religion and should be rebuilt according to France’s standards. Although there is mixed opinions and already ideas for the reconstruction, I think it depends on how the people of France feels. Even though my opinion is to restore the Cathedral to it’s true gothic style with some modern touches, I respect France’s demands and wishes and will be fine with whatever they desire and plan for the esteemed Cathedral.

Daisy Xia- HW2: How Would You Rebuild a Gothic Church?

I believe that the Notre Dame Cathedral should be rebuilt in the same gothic style as before. I think that what makes the Notre Dame so unique and amazing is that it is supposed to be something from a long time ago in an architectural style that is different from modern times. If they put a modern twist on it. The Notre Dame might lose some of its antiquity feel for it.  I also think that if they add a modern twist to it. It won’t feel like one whole piece and will feel like different parts put together since the rest of the church is a gothic style and the burned part that is newly remodeled will be modern and it won’t flow with the rest of the building.

HW2: How Would You Rebuild a Gothic Church?

After reading the article and hearing opinions from both sides, I think the Notre Dame should be rebuilt the same way. This is due to the fact that if the fire had never happened, there would be no need to change it. No one was thinking of changing it before hand because the design and architecture became apart of Paris’ culture, history, and a religion. It should be rebuilt with the same design as before but the way it’s rebuilt should be updated to make it more sturdy and safe. This would help prevent another tragedy like this from happening.

Doma G: How Would You Rebuild a Gothic Church?

The Notre-Dame Cathedral remains a Gothic church notable for its flying buttresses and gorgeous stained-glass windows. I believe the Cathedral should be restored to what it originally looked like. This 13th-century landmark represents a significant example of Gothic architecture, and it shouldn’t be modernized. I do understand that many architects possess ideas to modernize it but it should be restored to its primary features. After examining the images made by architects of what the outcome could be, I almost had a change of heart. The ideas they express are incredible, but I believe adding those modern touches changes the spirit of Notre Dame like what Garzuel stated in the article.

Jeron Ryan: Reconstructed Notre Dame

This was a great question. I believe that the Notre Dame Cathedral should be rebuilt with a similar gothic design as before, but with a modern touch. I like the idea of using sustainable, environmentally friendly materials in the construction process because as things are constituted now, construction processes can be very detrimental to the environment. Also, along with the new, more modern touch to the structure there should be a plaque or item that commemorates the older structure before the fire, while also providing context as to why a more modern touch was added to the cathedral. I really liked the plan put forth by Vincent Callebaut Architectures making use of the gothic architectural style, along with adding a biomimetic forest for the cathedral.


Jeron Ryan

HW1: How Evil was Commodus?

Commodus was a very evil man, and according to the text, it seems as though he enjoyed torturing and killing people. Commodus seems to be obsessed with becoming a god or as powerful and as strong as one, it is visible in his statue with the lion over his head and a bat in his hand. This is evident when he started allowing statues of him dressed as Hercules to be put up and worshiped. He then started worshiping Isis and forced devotees of her to harm themselves even to the point of death at times. He also renamed one of the months Hercules and appointed someone to the priesthood of the Rural Hercules, which was a private cult he was in.

To be perceived as powerful, Commodus would torture, killing and embarrass others. Commodus cast anyone who spoke against him to be eaten by a beast (most likely lion). He also killed a man because he read a book that was written by some who had the same birthday as him. He also put birds on a greying man’s head so that the birds would peck at it thinking it was worms. The text also states that it is claimed that he mixed human feces with lavish foods and ate it. lastly, he made his praetor Julianus dance naked in front of his mistresses while clashing cymbals.