Bethelie Rivera: How Would You Rebuild a Gothic Church?

The Notre-Dame Cathedral is very widely known and a common tourist attraction, along with its beloved history and cultural aspect to Paris. As it is a tragedy of the fire that had happened to the cathedral, this leaves room for some open ideas to the nexts steps of rebuilding. After reading both articles, both the writers make very valid points as to why each views the rebuilding as the same gothic style or to make something new. I believe that the Notre-Dame Cathedral should have certain aspects of what made it unique, such as the beautiful stained glass windows, along with the interior have a gothic feel with modern touches to bring it to life. Also, at the rooftop of the Notre Dame Cathedral, there should be something to be interactive with the community. Whether that maybe a mini museum of what was left of the past Notre Dame Cathedral, or a café to take in the beauty of where you are the beautiful aspects of the gothic style of Notre Dame Cathedral. This enables the new generation to be more intrigued with architecture and the culture it brings.

Reading the article Notre Dame and watching some videos on youtube had given me flashbacks when I first found out about the tragedy when a fire severely damaged the Notre Dame Church. It’s very disappointing for one of the essential histories building in France that lived for almost 850 years burned down by cigarette or an electrical malfunction. All around the world and architecture are willing to help to rebuild the Church. I understand no matter how beautiful they restructure the building; it just will never be the same again. But the fact that there is still part is saved from the fire. They should rebuild the part that is missing to hold the Church; that’s for it not to collapse. Let’s not give up on rebuilding this Church and give it as much attention that it needs for it to stand again and educate our next generation about the gothic Notre Dame histories.

Codey Lorenzana HW 2: Rebuilding Notre Dame

In regards to the extensive undertaking of rebuilding Notre Dame, I feel that it should be kept gothic. Before I explaining my stance, I would however like to point out and address how rebuilding the cathedral to be the same as it was before might be harder than making a new due to the full extent of damage being unknown. This combined with the fact that the stone and materials are hard to replace create quite an arduous task. But with all this being said, I simply can’t find myself agreeing with a total modernization of the architecture and design as seen in some of the concept photos. That Disney like reimagining shouldn’t be applied to something particularly rich in history; some of which is spiritual. I feel a middle ground should be met that involves keeping the gothic artistry and history of the structure while updating it in more practical hidden ways to make sure its greatly more supported for today’s world.

HW#2: How Would You Rebuild a Gothic Church?

After reading the article, I believe that The Cathedral of Notre Dame should be rebuilt the same way. It should be rebuilt in the gothic form to have the original design because there were a lot of history behind the gothic church. Most people that lives in France would prefer the gothic church to be restored to its original form. The original form would have more meaning to people. Also they can add a little modern look to it. The Notre Dame is known for their looks and the stained glass windows. Therefore, they should rebuilt it the same way.

HW#2 Notre Dame Reconstructed

Originally I felt like Nortre Dame must be restored exactly the way it was before the horrific incident but now that I’ve read the whole article and seen some of the modern presentations of Notre Dame, I think they should consider making it not totally modern but they should also go with the majority as 55% of French population which have voted for it to be restored in the old Gothic form. But hey, its 2019, and I think that they should really consider using some modern techniques for building up the church again. I totally agree with the fact that a nation’s pride is in its rich historic monuments so I think they should keep it Gothic style but also make use of modern technology while building the church once again just like how our Empire State Building is made up of material which is earthquake resistant, so that it can be stronger than ever and resist any tragic natural calamities. I feel awful for all the amazing artwork that they lost in the fire, but also they have secured most of the relics so I think they should display it like before. I personally liked the design of reconstruction of Notre Dame by Alexander Fantozzi, have a  look! Alexander Fantozzi’s Reconstruction Idea

HW#2 Notre Dame Reconstructed

After viewing the Images for fixing the Notre Dame, I believe they should bring a modern flair to the church. I understand that there’s a lot of history behind the church but I think the fire marks a new page in this church for the future. Rebuilding it the old fashion Gothic way feels like an erase of the fire to make it the way it used to be. Changing the design to be more modern highlights that we recognize that this happened and we are starting a new page in history. Overall, I believe that they should add a modern flair to the reconstruction of the Notre Dame because history is now.

HW#2: How would you rebuild the gothic church ?

First I noticed that the gothic church was fired, I was regretful. It was carrying thousands of years of history and art. I done think that rebuilding it in modern style is a good idea.  Because as time goes, people will gradually forget its original. And nobody will ever know about the gothic church. I remember few days ago that shuri castle, which is Japanese rebuilt castle ,was destroyed again by fire. Why do people want to rebuild those historic buildings again and again. They want to keep their history and their art to let people know about that.

HW#2 : How Would You Rebuild A Gothic Chirch?

I believe the Norte Dame Cathedral should be rebuilt with the same gothic designs as it was originally built. I don’t think modernizing it would be a good idea due to the fact that if the fire never happened they wouldn’t be renovating it or changing a single thing about it. If they try to modernize it the cathedral would loose the character of the building as a whole. Changing the way the cathedral is built will through the whole design off. Since it already has a gothic design too if it should just remain constant throughout the whole cathedral.

HW2: How would you rebuild a Gothic Church?

After finishing the article on the reconstruction and restoration of Notre Dame I believe that the church should be rebuilt with a mixture of historical and modern methods. Since the restoration of Notre Dame has already attracted many donations, within days of the fire being put out an estimated $1 billion dollars has been pledged to the church’s restoration. The money that has pledged could go to supporting the dying art of stonemasonry while also giving those who still practice it, in France, a big contract and a chance to help restore one of their countries oldest landmark. The stonemasons would restore the church in the traditional style, using specially treated stones that are fire resistant. The reconstruction would be assisted by modern machinery to help speed up the process.