anmol pttrntrnsp2

In this project, I had to make big square of 4×4 inches. The checkered grid has square of 1×1 inches. The squares have pattern of two muted colors. To create blobs firstly on the sketch paper I had to use ink with brushes to create blobs and see how the brushes are reacting. I had to decide the patterns if they will be opaque and transparent. I chose Ultramarine Blue to be muted for transparency and opaque to be muted for red. For accents, I chose triangles and squares to create a focus. For the color blobs, there had to be color distribution which appeared three times because there are 12 blobs in total.

For the blobs to land up on the checkered was the most confusing part. First, I had to position the blobs originally and from there flip the tracing horizontally. For the 90 degree rotation (right) I had to rotate from the original. For the flopped, I had to flip the tracing paper vertically. My color choices were chosen according to the background. I used tints and secondary colors for the blobs. I didn’t choose dark colors because looking at the background it will empower them. I really like how the transparency of green came out because it’s jumping in and out. One of the students commented that it’s creating spacial effect. The only thing I am not sure of is how the orange opaque and it’s transparency is working and I feel it’s the weakest of all. I was satisfied with tint blue, tone pink, and tint of yellow. Overall, I did good work and made good choices leaving the orange out.